Alright, aku sendiri tak pasti apa sebab aku tengok cerita ni sebab based on summary yang aku baca, cerita ni tak bagi big impact pun dekat aku. But I still ended up watching this. So, here is my honest opinion.
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not mine ; credited to the rightful owner |
Title : Suits / 슈ì¸
Network : KBS2
Episodes : 16
Genre : Law
Cast : Park Hyung Sik, Jang Dong Gun
Plot :
Go Yeon Woo adalah seorang anak yatim piatu yang dibesarkan oleh neneknya. Dia ada cita-cita untuk jadi seorang peguam, tapi disebabkan oleh latar belakang dia yang miskin, dia tak dapat nak further dalam bidang tu. Instead, dia jadi valet boy untuk tanggung kos hospital nenek dia. One day, kawan dia mintak tolong hantarkan drug dekat one of hotel room. Mulanya dia tolak tapi disebabkan terdesak untuk bayar bil hospital nenek dia, he forced to take the job. On his way to the hotel room, dia sedar yang dia sebenarnya diperangkap sebab ada police. So, dia pun escape. At the same time, ada satu interview untuk hire attorney dekat hotel tu. Choi Kang Seok, merupakan seorang attorney yang sangat berkaliber dekat Kang & Ham Law Firm. Go Yeon Woo yang masa tu tengah desperate nak lari daripada polis terus menyamar as one of the interviewee yang dipanggil untuk masuk interview. Given the eidetic memory, Go Yeon Woo berjaya impressed kan Choi Kang Seok walaupun Choi Kang Seok sedar yang Go Yeon Woo bukan the right applicant. He then hired Go Yeon Woo walaupun dia tahu yang Go Yeon Woo takda licence untuk practice law.
A little head up, story line drama ni tak heavy mana sebab theres a lot of funny scene. And romance also.
"Fate gets decided by the choice you make, not coincidence"
"There always lies a dark side behind the face of the truth. Therefore, the truth doesn't always win just because it shows itself."
And aku akan share one most favourite at the end of the entry.
Honestly, aku still a bit confuse dengan relationship Yeon Woo dengan Kang Seok because there was these flashback scenes yang menunjukkan Yeon Woo masa kecil and Kang Seok masa muda. Dorang macam know each other and macam share a history before. Masalahnya, takde scene yang confirm or deny yang dorang kenal each other. Aku tak sure sama ada writer decide to get rid of the scene or they forget. *facepalm
Bagi aku watak Choi Kang Seok dalam drama ni sangat best sebab dia sangatlah self-centered and suka down kan orang. Dia seorang lawyer with a 99% ( or was it 100 % ? ) chance of winning. Dia lawyer yang takkan bawak case to trial, he thought it as troublesome. Prinsip yang dia pegang, never take it to trial. Dan paling penting, dia tak guna emosi masa deal dengan opposite site. Yang dia tahu, dia kena menangkan client dia ( he never care about other people than his client ).
Go Yeon Woo pulak, sangat opposite dengan Kang Seok. Masa dia mula-mula diiktiraf as one of the associate and not trainee and took case, dia sangat menjaga kebajikan everyone, including his client opponent. Dia merupakan seorang lawyer yang fix the situation. Maksud aku macam, kalau client dia did something wrong, dia akan cari cara untuk make it right. At least, make up to his opponent. Sangatlah tak make sense sebab, kenapa dia perlu kisah, kan ? But yeah, he was like that. Dia banyak kali jugak kena marah and warning dengan Kang Seok.
The moment identiti Go Yeon Woo terdedah, dia kena tahan sebab, well, he broke the law. Masa dia kantoi ni tak salah aku law firm tu baru je lepas one big crisis and Yeon Woo berjaya selamatkan law firm tu daripada terpaksa merge dengan another law firm yang kononnya nak tolong. Kang Seok yang bertanggungjawab hired dia despite tahu Yeon Woo tak berlesen was asked to be responsible. Owner law firm tu tak boleh nak fired dia sebab dia banyak sumbangan dekat law firm tu. So, dia diminta untuk turun pangkat. Kang Seok setuju, tapi dia nak bela Yeon Woo dekat court. After a few argument dengan owner law firm tu, dia dapat bela Yeon Woo. Hukuman Yeon Woo dapat dikurangkan atas sebab dia tak pernah salah guna fake title dia as lawyer and the good deed he had done.
One thing yang perk interest aku is, the additional cast of this drama. First, love interest Go Yeon Woo, Kim Jina. Pelakon yang pegang watak Kim Jina ni is the same actor in 'Mother 2018', Go Sung Hee. Watak yang dia pegang dalam dua dua drama sangatlah contra. In 'Mother 2018', dia pegang watak as an abusive mother, dalam drama ni, she is really sweet girlfriend. And the fact that 'Suits' air ( April to June 2018 ) after 'Mother 2018' ( January - March 2018 ) buat aku wonder sangat macam mana dia boleh change her character in such a short time. Dan lakonan dia sangat wow.
Second is, watak David Kim, one of Kang Seok punya opponent and rival, yang suka challenge dia. He is the same actor in 'Mother 2018', Son Seok Koo . The one yang pegang watak as boyfriend of the abusive mother. Yes, dia adalah boyfriend kepada love interest Yeon Woo. Masa aku perasan both of these actors, aku terus macam speechless sebab they are in a drama again ! Nasib baik dorang takde scene sama-sama. Kalau tak memang they work on the same project twice lah kan. Tapi watak David ni is more to cameo.
Actually, aku tak berapa faham kenapa drama ni dinamakan Suits. Well, whatever, don't really care. For this drama aku rasa out of five, aku bagi 3. So, I will end this with my favourite quote of this drama,
"Everyone wants to be a jaguar, but they are all hyena"
mesti best citer ni :)