Hospital Ship

Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! This is my last week of holiday before the next semester start. I have schedule like hm, another four or five k-drama reviews for the next few weeks so I wouldn't totally abandon this blog lol. Anyway, this is an old not really k-drama that I have been wanting to watch. So, here we go~

not mine; credited to the rightful owner

Title : Hospital Ship
Episodes : 40 episodes (35 minutes per episode)
Genre :  Medical,Romance, Drama
Director : Park Jae Bum, Kim Sang Woo
Writer : Yoon, Sun Joo
Network : MBC
Cast : Kang Min Hyuk, Ha Ji Won, Lee Seo Won, Kim In Shik
Plot : 

This drama depicts the story of young doctors who provide medical services island residents by hospital ship. Two of the doctors; Kim Jae Geol, a Korean medicine doctor and Cha Joon Young, a dentist were assigned to the hospital ship as part of their military service. Meanwhile, Kwak Hyun, an internal medicine doctor offers his service willingly. His father was known as the famous surgeon who went to the war-zone countries to offer his service. After a few months, Surgeon Song Eun Jae joined them on board. She was a hardworking surgeon who was exiled by his senior because she told the family member of the patient who died due to the mistake of that senior. With the specialty of their own, they begin working in the hospital ship.


It starts off with character introduction. Despite being with a large number of people, I tried to only focused only on the main characters. First few episodes were just the beginning of their journey towards the hospital ship. What happened to the four of them that make them ended up on hospital ship, a place where every public health officers avoid going to.

I love all the medical scenes whereby the patients need an urgent surgery. It was all intense and nerve-wrecking but due to the fact that they are on a ship, it kind of get old when they can't move the patient to the inland hospitals due to the weather. It didn't happen with every cases but still it happened quite frequent. My favorite scene was when their ship was hijacked by drug smuggler. The tension was on maximum level plus I love how Kwak Hyun keep trying to be there for Song Eun Jae.

The story-line was full of dramas.  I honestly think that some of them can be taken out because it leave plot holes here and there. The case against the conglomerate group was unnecessary and I don't think it contribute much to the story. Minus point when the character Cha Joon Young was barely there. I mean, he is supposed to be one of the doctors in the ship and his story barely told. Nope, I think it wasn't told at all. It kind of kill the vibe when the other three doctors, had their story told and his is not. Another minus was when at the near end, the story line gets draggy. Oh my, I am not sure how many minutes I had to skip because of all those flashbacks.

Kwak Hyun and Song Eun Jae's relationship was progressing beautifully. Even with the ex-girlfriend drama, love-triangle drama, denying drama. I love them all. Love is everywhere, even with the minor characters. Maybe it was because of their height different, but Kwak Hyun and Song Eun Jae looks really cute together!

Overall, this drama is great for leisure watch as it wasn't as stressful as I thought. I really enjoyed the drama very well.

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !


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  1. Last tengok cerita korea pasal doktor is Hospital Playlist. Tunggu sambungan season dua...bahayanya layan kdrama ni, once dah start dia jadi kenot stop. Habis terbengkalai semua kerja😅

    1. menunggu juga season 2 Hopital Playlist... tapi depa release May tahun kalau tak salah. kena tangguh la jawabnya, time tu mesti tengah busy kelas. setuju! memang ni cuti sem hah, habis semua drama tengok hahaha

  2. teringin nak macam bosan je

    1. bosan la jugak actually hahaha tak berapa kena dengan taste

  3. I watched this because of Minhyuk but all the casts are pretty good. It's entertaining too. Too bad about what happened to Lee Seo Won, he is a promising actor sobs he just destroy his own acting career because of lust :'(

    1. me too! Minhyuk is a great actor, singer and of course drummer. missing the old cnblue. yeap, it was sad that Lee Seo Won ended up the way he is. He really is a great actor and I love his acting. But then, his himself destroyed what he worked for.

  4. tak rajin nak tengok walaupun ada minhyuk di situ..hehe

    1. hahaha, nak suruh tengok pun macam tak nak suruh sebb cerita ni so-so je.

  5. tak habis lagi tengok drama ni biarpun minat dekat Kang Min Hyuk T_T

    1. hahahha cerita slow ngat, nak berangan tengok hero pun susah

    2. tak mampu nak tengok kalau cerita slow sangat hahaha cepat bosan jadinya

  6. my friend is falling hard at one of those 3 guys ... after watching this drama

    1. sksks, it always happen to anyone... well, there's no harm in crushing on celebrities, i guess.

  7. Pergh!! 40 episod tu.. Tak tengok lagi drama ini..

    1. setengah jam lebih satu episode, okay la...

  8. Mama pun dh muka layan kdrama skrg tapi cite ni x penah tgk

  9. layan kdrama dgn adik2 ipar.. apa yg dorang tgk tu mesti lawak

  10. Banyak episod.. Cik TK surrender kalau ada banyak sangat episod.. tapi macam nak try tengok juga kalau jumpa.

  11. Dulu masa anak Dara sangup Tak tidur malam gara² layan drama Korea. Now, lansung tak terlayan. Drama melayu pun layan best on reviews yang orang buat barulah akak nak layan. Sekarang lagi lah ada budak kecik. Memang sibuk memanjang. Haha...
