The Intern [2015]

  Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Happy weekend or more like end of it. Anyway, here is a very heartfelt movie that I reeeeally love.

Title: The Intern

Runtime: 121 minutes

Genre: Drama, Comedy

Director: Nancy Meyers

Writer: Nancy Meyers

Released year: 2015

Casts: Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway

Country/Language: United States/English


A retired 70-year-old widower, Ben (played by Robert De Niro), is bored with retired life. He applies to a be a senior intern at an online fashion retailer and gets the position. The founder of the company is Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway), a tireless, driven, demanding, dynamic workaholic. Ben is made her intern, but this is a nominal role - she doesn't intend to give him work and it is just window dressing. However, Ben proves to be quite useful and, more than that, a source of support and wisdom. cr: IMDB


So, feels like a good, heartwarming, cute movie? Here is for you. Sue me, I don't know much about Robert De Niro's work and so, I am obviously not familiar with what roles he usually roles in but him being Ben is so so endearing and cute!

The chemistry between Anne Hathaway and Robert was top notch! I love Anne as Jules, she really carry this character well. Both of the characters compliment each other so well. Jules really went from not caring for her senior intern to turn to him for advices in just one night. 

The storyline is pretty simple to follow so there wasn't much things to be stressed about. And sure enough, there's plenty comedic scene just to spice up the viewers interest. I particularly loves it how Ben was obviously dressed and acted differently than his other colleagues and how his character became everyone favorites. It was a heartwarming movie and I really enjoyed watching and  I really really recommended it to everyone.

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