365 : Repeat The Year

Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! It's been a hectic week for me. I was able to squeeze in to edit and schedule this review and I think my weekly k-drama review will be hold off for now. I need to do a lot catching up for studies so yeah.

Title : 365 : Repeat The Year / 365 : One Year Against Destiny
Episodes : 24 episodes (35 minutes per episode)
Genre : Fantasy, Crime, Mystery
Director : Kim Kyung Hee
Writer : Kurumi Inui,Lee Seo Yoon, Lee Soo Kyung
Network : MBC
Cast : Lee Joon Hyuk, Nam Ji Hyun, Kim Ji Soo
Plot : 

Ji Hyung Joo is a detective. One day, he lost his senior partner when one of the ex-convict killed him. After that day, he spent his day in sorrow and regret. One day, he receives a called from a stranger saying that there will be a train accident the next day. The next day, after confirming that the news was true, she called him back and invite him to Zian Clinic on the next weekend to answer his question. When the day came, ten other people was gathered in a room. They then learnt from Lee Shin, the woman who called them, that they could repeat the year and enjoy their lives again. After the process called reset, Ji Hyung Joo found out that one by one people from the reset died. He then works together with Shin Ga Hyun, a webtoon artist that he admired to uncover the mystery.

This drama is an adaptation to a 2004 Japanese novel by Kurumi Inui entitled 'Repeat'. There was also a Japanese drama based on the same novel released in 2018. The title was 'Wheel Of Fortune'.


First off, this drama had a crazy plot twist and I freaking love it! As per synopsis, Ji Hyun Joo lost his partner, Park Sun Ho and became lifeless ever since. He then discovered that he could go back a year and decided to save him. After that, he became acquaintance with Shin Ga Hyun, a webtoon artist. They became close after Hyung Joo told her that he is his fan, they became close. After the death of Seo Yoon Soo, one of the people who went through reset, Ga Hyun became the prime suspect because of the CCTV recording of them arguing. Hyun Joo was the detective in charge. When her charges was cleared, they begun to investigate the mystery behind the death of the resetters (people who repeat their year).

There was so much mystery to this drama and it honestly frustrated me so much. I enjoy the mystery behind the death of the resetters because they all died differently and there was no sign of killing. After watching so much crime dramas I think this is the first time I watched clueless of the death. It really had no sign of serial killer, at all. I only realized that it was serial killing when one important item of the victim was missing and there was one scene where one mysterious man went out of a room filled with display case and few of them contain the missing item. I'm blown. 

Another thing is, Lee Shin. She was so mysterious and everything that she said to the resetters after the reset wasn't the whole truth. There will always be part of it were lies. And that honestly, messed up my mind to the point that I refused to guess her deal. The farther the story goes, the more mysterious it became. And then she keep talking on the phone to some professor, which was only revealed at the end of the drama. 

Even tho it was filled with mysteries, there were also some humorous scene that keep me entertained. It was good to have a laugh once in awhile. Another thing that I love was the romance between Hyung Joo and Ga Hyun. Their chemistry was so boom!  Even though they never confess or act on their feelings but it was evident that they were into one another. Oh, young loveeee. 

The actors was so great especially both main actors, Nam Ji Hyun and Ji Hyung Joo. Their chemistry, as I was was really great and I really hope to see them together in another work. Kim Ji Soo (who portray Lee Shin) was also a great actor! She really seems like a crazy woman who enjoy people's suffering. I love her expression, she really did study her character well. Especially when she faked surprise or concern, I could tell that she was faking it and she did them to piss the person she spoke to. 

The ending, despite it was a  happy ending, I kind of feel bitter of it. The reason simply because Hyung Joo had to go through reset again and this time to save Ga Hyun. Aghhhh, why can't she saty alive on the last reset. Somehow, it kills my mood. But then, it was for the best because Hyung Joo was able to apprehended the killer before he begun his killing. He also able to apprehend 'the professor' behind Lee Shin. The minus point was when Ga Hyun doesn't remember the time they spent together and they had to go back to the beginning despite him remember her. Ahhhh, my heart really! 

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !


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  1. love this kind of story.. il take a time to watch it :)

  2. saya dah tengok yg japanese drama. memang best.. yg versi korea belum tertengok lagi..hehe ♕Tiara Sapphire♕

    1. really? i dont thnik i will watch the japanese one because i usually stick to one hahaha. dah tengok this version yang lain lantakla... same as novels. kalau ada adaptasi ke drama memang tak tengok la drama tu

  3. Menarik juga plot cerita ni. Sisyat suka tengok cerita macam ni. Otak akan bkerja je manjang..dok fikir what next 😅

    1. kannn, seronok bila kita kena fikir apa akan jadi next, lepastu buat teori sendiri

  4. wahh..best ja ceritanya mcm mau tengok but tbh skrg ni im not so in "watching movies" mood huhuhu so later.

    1. hahha, just watch it whenever you feels like. there's no pressure

  5. Bila kan mau tengok padahal ada dalam list.. My brain is kenot brain at all. rest kejap lepas tengok Record of youth. Haha

    1. hahha... kena rehat sebb cerita ni a bit heavy jugak nak brain

  6. And why is it ended like that? Make me so unsatisfied.

    1. hahhaha, they need to repeat the get-know-each-other again which was so like you said, unsatisfied

  7. okay will adding to my to-watch list heee

  8. Wah mcm fantasy dahh boleh balik semula setahum sebelum nya, best ni

  9. Menarik cite ni ada semua elemen yg mama.suka. bykngak episode dia

    1. memang menarik pun mama! best tengok waktu waktu takde kerja hahaha

  10. thats why i love this thriller things 😂 omg i love the story . Hopefully the detective able to reveal the mystery

  11. Thank youuu review..boleh add dalam list ni, Makin panjang nampaknya 😝

    1. You're welcome. Hahhaha, biasa la tuuu.
