Second Doses Done!

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! I meant to write this like, three or four days after the injection day which was on 31st July. However, between the side effects, family problems, my own dramas (laziness) I never came around to write it. And now, three weeks more or less passed. Anyway, this is my experience of second doses vaccination injection. 

I know I promised to take photos of the venue in the first dose entry, (CLICK HERE TO READ) well, there are few photos of it. But not every stages as I was distracted and excited to reunite with some old friends in high school. Well, I only manage to snap 2 photos and even that is not at the best angle. I'm not sure why I would feel really conscious whenever I hold up my phone to take some photo. It feels like someone will come to me scold me. Lol. Anyway, as promised, here is the only shoots I took.

if you can see behind the net, there's another area and that was where I filled out my infos and also met the doctor during the first shot

Anyway, for the second dose, the process is way easier as we only need to give the vaccination card at the entry. Then, wait for them to call. Once your name is called, the staff gave a number card. Before going to the injection waiting area, I was ushered to fill some information (well, not me because I only need to sit while the volunteer fill in my infos for me). 

At the injection area, there was so many people, probably because the traffic before that is so smooth and required so little time, so it was packed with people at the injection area. While everyone else's vaccination card is taken to the nurse, they somehow missed mine. Hence, my turn was pushed back a little. My friends who were later than me managed to finished their 15 minutes wait while me still waiting at the injection area. 

I sat at the front row hence the closeness with the counter lol

Once I got my injection and after all the selfies and little catching up, I went home. I was fine all day (since I got my injection in the morning.) however, my body started to get warm after the isha'. I am coming down with a fever =) Since I have a really low tolerance with any types of pills, I only took one panadol, hoping it is enough to chase the fever away. But no, the fever lasts until two days later even though I regularly take panadol. Added with the fatigue and muscle pain, that's all pretty much is the side effect of the Pfizer vaccine on my body. And all that managed to make me soooo lazy to do anything. Also I think my doses of sleep increased significantly after taking the the second dose shot. Or is it just me?


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  1. congrats on your second vacccine :)

  2. sama macam saya. bila kuarkan fon tu rasa akn ade org dtg and marah. padahal perasaan sendiri je. hehehe. kita geng! lepas saya cucuk pfizer pun jadi makin malas :p

    1. kannnnn, susah betul la sejenis perasan lebih ni

  3. Congratulations...semoga terus sihat dan dilindungi allah...

  4. Tahniah dah settle. Dah lepas dah nak masuk kat mana mana mall ni. Alhamdulillah..

    1. thank you kak nani.. boleh dh nak berjalan ni hehe

  5. Alhamdulillah, semoga kita semua dilindungi daripada wabak ni...

  6. Tahniah su..Alhamdulillah..moga sihat2 saja :)
    kak shida 2nd dose oktober (V-AZ)

    1. aaminn, thank you kakk... dah dekat tu oktober
