Monday 29 June 2020

Selamat Tinggal Purnama : Strain Kedua by Teme Abdullah

June 29, 2020 0 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest ! Aku rasa dah sampai masanya untuk aku langsaikan apa yang tak terlangsai. Hm, aku actually habis baca buku ni dua tiga hari lepas aku tulis review of the first book, so berapa lama agaknya tu ? Well, takdelah lama mana pun kan. Hehe.

Tajuk : Selamat Tinggal Purnama : Strain Kedua
Penulis : Teme Abdullah
Mukasurat : 292 pages
Penerbit : Iman Publications
Tahun terbit : 2020
ISBN : 9789832423966
Blurb :

Setelah mengejutkan peminatnya dengan pengumuman tergempar dahulu, Latif Purnama hilang dari radar. Masyarakat tidak tahu apa yang berlaku kepadanya. Ada juga yang menyangka dia telah bersara.

Hampir setahun kemudian, tiba-tiba dia muncul semula dengan album baharu. Karya yang sedikit ganjil berbanding karya-karyanya sebelum ini. Karya yang membahayakan nyawanya.

Buku kedua ni menampakkan lagi dinamik penceritaan kehidupan Latif Purnama sebagai seorang bintang terkenal. Ending buku pertama merupakan klimaks penceritaan dimana Latif announce yang dia telah berkahwin tanpa persetujuan daripada syarikat rakaman yang mewakilinya, Mawar Records. Aftermath of that announcement mengubah kehidupan seorang Latif Purnama. He went off radar for almost a year. Tiba-tiba Latif kembali dengan album baru yang lain daripada albumnya sebelum ini.

Bagi buku kedua ni, watak yang menyerlah hanyalah watak Latif dan jugak Wak Entel, personal bodygourd dia. Oh tak lupa jugak seorang kawan baik Latif yang hidup dengan penuh kepura-puraan dan pemilik Mawar Records yang hanya kisah dengan keuntungan berbanding kebajikan artis rakamannya (oh, janggal rasa menaip formal sangat). 

Sepanjang aku baca second book ni, aku banyak kali berhenti baca. Why ? Well,  aku rasa macam nak campak je buku ni sebab Latif ni baik sangat even dia dah nampak true color everyone. Hish. Kalau dalam buku pertama, konflik yang nampak hanyalah dari segi ketidakadilan yang Latif terima daripada syarikat rakaman dan juga konflik dengan 'best friend' dia yang sorang tu, kalini Latif berhadapan dengan few more conflicts. Paling sedih bila Latif 'mengorbankan' diri dia sendiri demi anak dengan isteri, tapi sayangnya dia kena tinggal. Ish, geram betul dengan isteri dia tu !

Plot twist dalam novel ni ada jugak yang aku memang tak expect langsung ! Revelation of the best friend memang sangat mengejutkan aku. Like, what ?! Walaupun pendedahan tu taklah bagi impak kepada penceritaan sampai mampu menukar jalan cerita tapi cukup untuk aku rationalize why he did what he did.  

Ending buku ni aku memang dah expect dari awal. Haha, pengaruh k-drama thriller paid off kot sebab memang sebijik apa yang aku expect. Lol. Cuma aku tak berapa setuju watak Latif tu baik sangat sampai dia dah hilang orang sentiasa dengan dia baru dia nak ambil tindakan. Geram aku dia tak dengar cakap that one person. Hish. Tapi nasib baiklah dia tetap reveal kejahatan setiap sorang sebelum pergi. Kalau tak aku rasa taknak dah baca buku Teme. 

p/s: banyak-banyak series buku teme, this one series je yang aku habiskan haha. Jalanan dengan Empayar yang latest punya belum sempat nak baca lagi. Ada sesiapa nak bagi free ke, dm ig itew ihiks 


Friday 19 June 2020


June 19, 2020 4 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest ! How are you all doing ? I have been feeling unmotivated these past days. Maybe because of the changes in the house. I have finished this drama for like a week and haven't had the mood to type in the review. I don't even start another drama because of this foul mood. Anyway, here it is. 

Title : Memorist 
Episodes : 16
Genre : Crime, Supernatural
Director : Kim Whee, Soo Jae Hyun
Writer : Ahn Do Ha, Hwang Ha Na
Network : tvN
Cast : Yoo Seung Ho, Lee Se Young, Cho Seung Ha, Go Chang Suk, Yoon Ji On, Jeon Hyo Seong
Related : based on webcomic of same title by Jae Hoo on Daum Wetoon Company
Plot :

Dong Baek is a detective that passionate on catching criminals. He however possessed a supernatural power when he is in high school. Whenever he touches someone, he is able to see the person's memory. His power was known to the public, making him famous as 'Telepathy Detective'. Han Sun Min is a profiler-professor turned high ranking police detective. She found a similarity in two different cases and went to investigate the case. Dong Baek then found out about the case and begun to try to join hands with her.


First of all, whoever said that this drama is similar to 'Remember - Son's War' definitely need to watch these two again and again because both of them had no similarity(in respect of storyline and plot) and at all. Okay, maybe even I thought these two dramas would be the same because of the actor, Yoo Seung Ho was the protagonist for both drama and his characters possess the ability in regards of memory. Despite that, the two characters did not possess the same ability as Jin Woo had a condition of an absolute memory which allows him to remember every details of his day. It is a special condition of his brain. And Dong Baek here had a supernatural power which allows him to read the memory of others by touching. Hence, both characters are completely different.

As for the plot, this drama might be  the craziest, most confusing  I have ever watched. It was nothing bad, actually because this drama makes me wanted to continue watching despite me passing my sleeping time. Guess who had panda eyes for a week ? Yeap, that's me ! At first, I thought this drama would be simply like other crime drama. You know, catching the serial killer that had an impossible obsession with the detective in charge, the usual drill ? However, this drama was nothing closer to that. 

Everything and everyone was related to one another. And everyone is a potential killer. Another interesting fact of the killer was he had the same superpower as Det. Dong Baek, if not more powerful. Despite changes between past and present, I don't find it annoying like I usually did. It intrigued me more as the past get unravel. I personally love the way they changes the saturation of the 'past' scenes, it looks great. 

By confusing, I mean, there was too much connection between the side characters and too much names and that's the thing that bother me. The longer you watches, more confusing it gets because one, the new person could be the killer and two the connecting they hold to the case. However, it all made sense as the story continues. I was seriously hooked and haven't be able to move on, just yet. And with the plot as the strength of this drama, by far, this drama is the best crime drama I have watched. Too bad my expectation on korean drama would gradually increased.

Twists after twists, the drama finally ended. Even after the killer was revealed, they still had little twist at the end. I can't say that I didn't like the ending because it definitely satisfy me enough

p/s: I'm still finding the mood to wrote on STP:SK book review.

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-Drama Review' on the menu tab !

Saturday 13 June 2020

Seven To Eternity

June 13, 2020 2 Comments
Holla, good day dearest. What day is today ? It is the day whereby a group of seven people over there in South Korea finally made their first public appearance as a k-pop group. Which group ? If it were me, of course I'm referring to BTS. 

I honestly doesn't have any content to share on like my any other post related to BTS. Today, make it this week, I have no motivation or whatsoever to go on social media or internet itself to watch any content. I just make time to blogwalk over a few first recent post from my blogger friend. So, this post was just to celebrate the seventh year of the anniversary. And here I am randomly updating this blog post. 

I am well aware of so many content of the said group that had been released recently but I haven't watch/see/listen to any of them. Am I losing interest ? Maybe. Will I stop supporting them ? That's a no for now. I can't say anything for the future because we never knew what would happen. Just...

Anyway, Happy Birthday BTS 💜💜💜💜

p/s: too lazy for editing
with me,

Thursday 11 June 2020

Selamat Tinggal Purnama : Strain Pertama by Teme Abdullah

June 11, 2020 10 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest ! Haaa, siapa excited tengok tajuk ? Aku je ? Okay. Haritu aku happy sebab buku dah pos so kalini aku nak happy sebab aku dah habis baca the first book. Aku rasa aku ambil masa more or less one week jugalah nak habiskan satu buku. Bukan sebab tak best atau penceritaannya lambat cuma mood aku yang tunggang langgang. 

Tajuk : Selamat Tinggal Purnama : Strain Pertama 
Penulis : Teme Abdullah
Muka Surat : 307 pages
Penerbit : Iman Publication
Tahun terbit : 2020
ISBN : 9789832423959
Sinopsis :

Kisah seorang artis terkenal. Hidup pada zaman manusia terpaksa mengumpul 'kredit' yang cukup sebagai bukti bahawa mereka berhak untuk kekal hidup di muka bumi. Mereka yang gagal mencapai tahap kredit minima, akan ditarik nyawa.

Artis terkenal itu ada segalanya - wajah, suara, personaliti dan pencapaian yang belum pernah dikecapi mana-mana rakyat Nusaraya sebelum ini. Popularitinya melebar ke serantau Asia. 

Sehinggalah ada pihak yang membangkitkan gosip bahawa ada 'artis terkenal' yang membina persona palsu untuk menipu masyarakat semata-mata demi kelangsungan kerjayanya. Malah, suaranya juga dikatakan palsu. 

Hidupnya berubah dari saat itu.

First of all, bagi aku buku Teme kalini lebih heavy dari buku Empayar : Hikayat Putera Tanpa Nama (didn't read the second in line yet, can't comment anything). Kalau Empayar emphasized on manusia yang menggunakan nama agama untuk kepentingan diri sendiri, buku kali focus on social stigma. Isu agama tak banyak yang disentuh sebab setting dunia buku ni berbeza dengan dunia nyata kita.

Masa aku mula-mula baca buku ni through e-book, aku dah pening dengan setting yang Teme guna. Rasa janggal yang amat sangat dengan segala teknologi dan fungsi setiap teknologi tu sendiri. Bila dah terima buku fizikal ni Jumaat lepas, pun masih stuck dalam chapter one for few days. Even aku dah baca disebalik STP yang Teme post through his blogger account pun otak aku tak dapat nak cerna.  Dengan permainan ayat dia lagi, fuh. Sudahnya terbiarlah buku ni beberapa hari.

Jalan cerita STP pada mulanya agak mendatar  mungkin sebab banyak penceritaan berkenaan dunia dalam STP ni sendiri. Kemudian bila babak empat sekawan berkumpul barulah aku kenal dengan watak-watak yang akan menerangi sepanjang perjalanan buku ni. Plot jadi lebih menarik apabila isu pemalsuan identiti dan juga konflik dalaman  Latif Purnama diketengahkan.

Watak utama, Latif Purnama yang merupakan seorang artis yang terkenal seluruh Asia. Datang dari golongan bawahan, Latif membesar sebagai seorang yang sangat sopan santun dan baik hati. Disebabkan personalitinya, tanpa dia sedar ada pihak yang ambil kesempatan atas dirinya sendiri. Tambah lagi dengan konflik prinsip diri, persahabatan dan juga pengorbanan yang dia perlu lakukan untuk terus survive dalam dunia digital sebagai seorang entertainer.

Based on this book, aku belum nampak perkaitan antara Latif dengan artis dunia nyata yang mengakhirkan hidup ditangan sendiri. Mungkin ada dalam second book. Bagi aku, watak Latif ni menjaga agama jugak, walaupun manusia zaman tu dah tak pandang sangat agama. Jadi, agak tak mungkin untuk dia go for the extreme decisions. But still, tak mustahil.

Ending novel ni memang buat aku suspen. Sama macam Empayar, meninggalkan tanda soal dipenghujung jalan. But unlike Empayar, aku tak perlu nak tunggu-tunggu sebab memang Teme release dua buah buku terus. Dan persoalan dihujung novel ni insya-Allah akan terjawab dalam buku kedua. Conclusion for this book ? Worth the wait, worth the read. 


Tuesday 9 June 2020

Remember : Son's War

June 09, 2020 0 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day (should I say night instead ?) dearest ! I feels like it has been too long since I wrote a review. Well, I couldn't even make time for blogwalking not that I am too busy it's more of me being lazy, as per usual. Anyway, this drama was from 2015 and I just re-watch it for the second time all because of the next drama that I had on the to-watch list. So yeah, here we are with a drama from five years ago.

Title : Remember - Son's War
Episodes : 20
Genre : Crime, Thriller
Director : Lee Chang Min
Writer : Yoo Hyun Ho
Network : SBS
Cast : Yoo Seung Ho, Park Min Young, Namgoong Min, Park Sung Woong
Plot :

Jin Woo became the youngest lawyer in South Korea to prove his father's innocence. His father was sentenced to death after became the suspect of Oh Jung Ah's murder case. Jin Woo had an absolute memory whereby he has the ability to remember his day in perfect details. During the process of uncovering the truth, he begin to losing his memory due to Alzheirmer.


The story starts from fours years ago where the murder took place. It was no secret of who is the killer and to what reason it was committed. This drama storyline was easy to follow despite having a heavy theme. I love how Jin Woo didn't lose his hope in bringing the justice to the light. Trial after trial he took just to put an end to Nam Gyu Man and Ilho Group. 

I love how the writers didn't just give in to the main characters to win in trial but instead make them suffers a little before gave them the price they deserve. The plot twist of the drama were something I don't really expecting since the storyline were pretty straightforward but it was no denying that the plot twists were great and fit in well in the drama.

As for the actors, everyone of them did wonder portraying their characters, especially Namgoong Min and Yoo Seung Ho. Because of this drama, I became a fan of Namgoong Min. He really did irritates me every time he lose his temper. Being an antagonist really suits him well. Even though I don't really watch Yoo Seung Ho's works, I am sure that he is a great actor seeing as he is able to catch a big role at such a young age. Well, maybe being a child actor do him great.

Even though it is my second time watching this drama, I still am filled with emotions. It was intense drama filled with anger, grief and definitely sadness. I don't remember (no pun intended) how many liters of tears that I had shed while watching the drama. The amount of romance between Jin Woo and In Ah were what I would say as comfortable and it is sad that they couldn't take it to the next level (married, got together something like that) at the end of the drama. 

Overall, I love this drama to the bones and it is a must watch for every k-drama lovers out there !

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama Review' under the menu tab !


Thursday 4 June 2020

Thoughtless Thursday #029

June 04, 2020 6 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest. I have no specific topic to talk on about today. Just feels like I need to write something on. Maybe we could talk about whatever things going on my life right now. So, mana nak start eh... Hmm.

Okay, so semalam result UPU for SPM leavers dah keluar and anak buah aku daoat sambung ke matriks. Rezeki dia dekat situ... Aku ni pulak yang nervous sangat nak tunggu result UPU. Memintak lah dapat. Risau dah ni. Dah la haritu angah aku cakap dekat aku something yang aku memang tak suka. Nak tahu apa ?

Well, dia cerita katanya mak tanya dia aku ni hala tuju ke mana. Nak kerja ke nak sambung study ke apa ke. Dia pun kata lah tak tahu, dah memang aku senyap aje, memang la dia tak tahu kan. Tiba-tiba mak aku kata, 'Kalau susah sangat mak kahwin kan aje. Ni pun ada je yang risik.' Oh my. Nak gugur jantung gue. Sesungguhnya perkahwinan bukanlah fokus utama aku. Kalau boleh aku nak sambung study lagi. Nak kerja. Macam-macam lagilah yang aku nak capai and kahwin isn't one of it any time soon. Murung jugak lah sehari tu.

ambil gambar ig stories je

Ketepikan hal tu, aku punya 'Selamat Tinggal Purnama' finally dah ship out ! Yeay ! Maybe esok atau lusa I finally will be able to own the physical book ! Sudahnya memang e-book STP tu aku baca few pages je daripada first strain. Itu pun lupa dah apa kebenda jalan ceritanya. Tak sabar pulak nak baca. Maklum le, dari bulan April haritu tunggu, baru la ni nak dapat. Insya-Allah dah habis baca nanti aku selit review dekat sini. Tapi bukan dalam masa terdekat la sebab selalunya aku akan sayang nak buka packaging aku hahaha.

Anyway, nak tanya korang dah start puasa enam ke ? Ke memang tak selalu buat ? Aku belum nak start lagi. Terasa tahun ni malas melampau pulak haha maybe sebab duk rumah kot. Mak, angah, anak-anak buah semua yang ada dekat rumah ni dah nak habis puasa enam, nak sambung ganti puasa pun ada dah. Heh, kelewatan dah aku ni. Maybe next week kot aku start. Hm.

Another good news is entry harini, adalah entry yang ke-200 ! Percaya atau tak, aku dah berjaya membebel sebanyak 200 entry ! WOWERZ ! Heh, walhal kebanyakannya entry review movies dengan k-drama aje. Tak lah memberi manfaat mana kot.

Aku teringin sebenarnya nak tulis entry yang boleh bagi manfaat dekat semua orang. I mean, macam share ilmu baru ke ulas isu terbaru ke apa ke tapi tulah, aku tak yakin nak tulis benda-benda macam tu. Melainkan memang aku yakin dan pasti. Hm. Mungkin tunggu usia naik lagi. Mungkin...

Okay, another good news yang aku patut share berbulan lepas lagi is, aku plan nak hold giveaway. Ni actually nazar aku bila aku lepas ujian JPJ kereta haritu. Dah lama simpan hasrat ni tapi aku belum plan sebaik mungkin untuk giveaway ni. So, jangan expect giveaway dalam masa terdekat.  Cuma aku rasa aku patut mention dalam mana-mana entry aku. 

So, aku pun dah penat nak membebel panjang. Patut kot aku stop kat sini je. Peace !

with me,