Tuesday 31 August 2021

Merdeka Giveaway by TarotTheFool

31 August 5 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest. Last minute joining this giveaway.

Once PKP end, I would reaaaally loves to go to waterpark. Seriously, lama gila tak pi waterpark, rindu lah. Pastu, nak spent time dengan kawan. Paling penting, nak study dalam kelas dengan pensyarah dekat depan bukannya dalam laptop. Dan, itu jelah impian kecil saya.


64th Malaysia's Independence Day

31 August 4 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest. Alhamdulillah, today marked the 64th year of Malaysia's Independence Day.

edited with canva.com

How did you guys celebrate Merdeka this year? My family just simply put up the flag and have some of the lampu kelip-kelip around. Me myself, just spent today relaxing and chilling. With gloomy weather, it makes me sleepy all the time. May you all have a great holiday! 

p/s: beware of all those Merdeka sales, I heard your account balance might reduced significantly


Monday 30 August 2021

Sebelum Lamaran Diterima by Ayumi Syafiqah

30 August 10 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Apa khabar semua? Berminggu-minggu dah aku dok perap review ni. Haih.. Dengan keadaan laptop yang screen mengganggu mata ni nak buat apa pun hilang mood. Nantilah aku bawa pergi baiki haih. Anyway, novel ni best gileeer!

Tajuk : Sebelum Lamaran Diterima
Penulis : Ayumi Syafiqah
Mukasurat : 456 pages
Penerbit : Anaasa Publication
Terbitan : April 2018
ISBN : 9789670870540
Blurb : 

They say a princess always waits for a prince to come and save her, right? Well, this princess saves herself. Itulah moto hidup yang dipegang Kamilia Asyiqin atau Cami, selama ini. Dia tidak perlukan mana-mana lelaki untuk berjaya dalam hidup. Sebab itulah calon-calon suami yang dicarikan oleh mamanya, Julia ditolak mentah-mentah.

"Apa masalah Cami ni? Semua calon yang mama carikan untuk Cami, semua Cami tak nak. Cami nak yang macam mana sebenarnya?" - Julia
"Anak Aunty Marida tu orangnya baik, taat orang tua, ada kerja bagus. Kenal dengan dia pun Cami tak nak?" - Julia
"Sounds like a mummy's boy." - Cami

Julia pula tidak mudah berputus asa. Pencarian diteruskan lagi sehinggalah takdir menemukannya dengan Adam Khairy, mesra dipanggil Kai.

Oh, mama dah jumpa lelaki untuk Cami! Dia pemilik sebuah kedai perniagaan komik. Dia obses dengan superhero! Tapi yang penting, dia baik hati!

"Pernahlah tengok Superman. Peter Parker is so not my type." - Cami
"Sorry, sweetheart. Peter Parker is Spider-Man, not Superman." - Kai

Bagi Kai, bertemu dengan Cami bagaikan satu anugerah yang selama ini dinanti. Apatah lagi dalam masa yang sama dia sedang berdepan dengan dilema untuk menyertai konsert tribute buat arwah ayahnya, Allahyarham A. Iskandar, seorang penyanyi yang pernah terkenal suatu masa dulu.

Bersama Cami, dia mula menelusuri kehidupan yang ditinggalkan oleh arwah ayahnya dan mula membongkar rahsia yang selama ini tersimpan kukuh. 

Hari demi hari yang berlalu, hati Cami yang tegas dengan prinsip mula goyah. Dia jatuh cinta tanpa sengaja!

"You sounds like a jealous girlfriend," - Kai
"Good night, Kai." - Cami

Tapi, sebelum lamaran diterima, Cami perlu jawab soalan hatinya sendiri. Betul ke cinta atau suka semata-mata?

Novel yang pada mulanya aku agak skeptik nak baca. Sebab cover dan tajuknya screams romance! Tapi disebabkan aku sangat intrigued dengan blurb, aku beli jelah.

Novel ni dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian utama; Bahagian I, Sebelum Lamaran Diterima. Dimulakan dengan babak yang menggeletek hati aku bila Cami buat hal. Disebabkan nak cancel-kan rancangan mama daripada jodohkan dia dengan anak aunty Marida, dia berlakon macam perempuan tak berapa betul masa aunty marida datang rumah. Dengan turban, make-up serupa badut sekali pulak dengan lagu yang dipasang maximum dekat speaker, memang terus makcik tu cancel nak jadikan Cami menantu. And disebabkan kejadian tu jugaklah mama nekad untuk carikan jodoh yang mampu buatkan Cami kalah.

Masa mama berkenalan dengan Kai and jujur nak kenalkan Kai dengan anak dia, Kai sebenarnya dah jumpa Cami dekat kedai komik dia. Dia yang sebelum-sebelum ni layan semua perempuan sama asyiklah teringat dekat Cami lepas diorang berbalah. Scene tu comel betul. And once dah ada peluang untuk kenal Cami dengan lebih dekat, Kai apa lagi, memang dia grablah! Bahagian satu ni relationship Kai dengan Cami ni just full of banters, teasing and a little jealousy. 

Mulanya aku ingatkan Cami ni menganggur ke apa, rupanya dia merupakan seorang blogger, instafamous juga seorang pemilik business tudung. Orangnya ada vision yang jelas and she is super independent. That's why she is a princess that does not need any saving. Tambah pulak dia punya ego tu, haih. Nasib baiklah pandai nak rendahkan ego kalau tak memang tak kahwinla dengan si Kai ni. Dekat bahagian ni jugak the untold story of A. Iskandar, seorang penyanyi yang sangat popular satu masa dulu diceritakan. A. Iskandar yang juga merupakan ayah kepada Kai, ayah yang Kai sangka pilih karier lebih daripada keluarga. 

Dengan Cami, Kai mencari tahu kisah disebalik nama A. Iskandar. Kisah yang bukan dia baca melalui keratan akhbar tapi melalui ornag-orang yang pernah berkhidmat bersama beliau. Lamaran Kai diterima Cami baik. Hari perkahwinan ditetapkan selepas konsert tribute A. Iskandar.

Bahagian II - Setelah Lamaran Diterima.  Sebulan perkahwinan adalah yang paling bahagia. Disebabkan tuntutan kerjaya, Cami semakin sibuk. Balik pun malam. Jumpa suami pun cuma di pagi hari dan lewat malam. Because of that, hubungan dorang makin renggang, komunikasi pun kurang. Bahagian ni paling banyak salah faham. Cami yang selama ni berdikari, buat keputusan sendiri masih dengan cara dia. Dan Kai pulak, terasa hati dengan Cami. Dia rasakan Cami ni seolah-olah lupa yanng dia dah bersuami.

The moment you let the crack seen by others, they will start to tear you apart. Khaira, one of those yang terlibat dengan konsert tribute A. Iskandar, menaruh rasa dekat Kai. Dan... disebabkan obsesi dia, dia cuba untuk singkirkan Cami. Being a public figure means that you live your life under the microscopes of others. Segala  kata-kata kesat, cacian ditujukan dekat Cami. And, she let those things inside of her head. Dia mula rasa yang dia tak sesuai untuk Kai. The insecurities. Bahagian ni paling seksa nak baca. Sebabnya benda kecik je tapi bila dah salah faham, jadi benda yang besar. Lagi-lagi bila Cami taknak langsung bincang, Kai pulak mengalah aje. Memang tak berkesudahan la.

Bahagian III - Lamaran Kedua. Bahagian terakhir ni ceritakan the  aftermath of Cami's kidnapping case. Cami yang hilang keyakinan disebabkan kata-kata Khaira (and those keyboard warriors), juga sebab muka dia yang mungkin akan meninggalkan parut kekal. And because of these reasons, dia tak yakin untuk berdepan dengan Kai. Lagi-lagi bila dia sedar yang dia dah sakitkan hati Kai. Nasib baiklah ada Kamil, kembar Cami yang banyak bagi nasihat and kata semangat.

Walaupun lamaran kedua Kai yang pertama ditolak, Cami akhirnya balik semula pada Kai. And sebab masa mula perkenalan mereka ada tetapkan friendship rules, untuk perbaiki rumah tangga diorang, Kai suruh Cami buat relationship rules. Bagi aku, novel ni bittersweet. It's not too bitter and not too sweet. Just nice. Paling penting it is an easy read with fun. Aku sukakan perkembangan watak Cami dengan Kai. Tambah pulak dengan watak mama yang menghiburkan sekali jugak dengan kisah A. Iskandar yang menggamit perasaan. Pakej lengkap novel ni kasi. 


Friday 27 August 2021

Save Me 2

27 August 4 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest!

Title : Save Me 2
Episodes : 16
Genre : Mystery, Crime, Religious, 
Director : Lee Kwon
Writer : Joo Geum San (webcomic), Seo Joo Yeon
Network : OCN
Cast : Um Tae Goo, Cheon Ho Jin, Esom, Kim Young Min
Related : Save Me
Plot : 

The government was planning to build a dam and the construction is affecting the village of Woolchuri. The small town villagers is protesting to the government as they own the land and it is their hometown. Byung Ryul, a young man who lives at the village together with his mother, a pregnant wife and an autistic nephew receives a visit from Professor Choi who used to help him when he was in a small accident in Seoul. With the help from Professor Choi, the villagers earned the highest compensation in exchange for the evicting the village.  Feeling grateful, the villagers offers Professor Choi to stay at an empty house in their village. Upon learning that Professor Choi wanted to open a church, Byung Ryul offers to him to use the old, empty and unused hall at the village. After renovating, Professor Choi brought Pastor Song to lead the church. Kim Min Chul, a gangster who used to cause disruption at the village sense doubt the intention of Professor Choi. With Byung Ryul gone missing, he went to investigate the church, Professor Choi and Pastor Song.

The whole drama can be watched without watching the first one as the plot is entirely unrelated. This drama is set (I believe it is) before the cult case in the first season of Save Me.


I actually planned to watch this drama right after the first season but it was really hard. The beginning plot was a very slow build. The first two episodes were just an introduction to the characters and the foundation of what was coming. Unlike the first season where the cult already established at the town, this season showed how a cult can exist in a society.

In the midst of chaos of having their hometown taken by the government and the fight for compensation money, Elder Choi's presence in Woolchuri was like a bliss. From a stranger introduced by Byung Ryul, he quickly became the most trusted person. It was really crazy how the villagers put their trust in him just because he helped them, once. Min Cheol who had an unpleasant encounter with Elder Choi tried to save the villagers from him. But how can he save them when nobody trust him. To the villagers, Min Cheol was just someone who killed his own father (despite the fact that his father was an abusive man that regularly hit his family) and one who caused trouble.

Up until half of the drama, I always find myself asking, who is the one that need the saving? Byung Ryul was kidnapped by Elder Choi after he discovered his true color. But then he was rarely on the scene. Unlike season 1 where Sang Mi constantly tried to escape from the hell, Byung Ryul can't do anything as he is bounded and away from his hometown. Plus, Elder Choi had his voice recording that he is not ready to become a father hence no one in the village question his disappearance (yeah, they who practically said Min Cheol is untrustworthy after knowing him all his life apparently don't know what kind of person Byung Ryul is. And he lives in the village all his life). The irony.

I loves hoe every character develop as the story progressed. Min Cheol, who just wanted to prove to the villagers that Elder Choi is a bad news began to care more for the villagers. Instead of saving himself when he had the chance to, he went back to get back the compensation money so that the villagers can lives their life after leaving the town. Elder Choi's initial kind, gentle and caring personality turned to darker side as his intention became clearer. Young Sun who used to really hate her brother can finally set aside her judgement and accept him again. And the character that I really did not expect to be the way he became was Pastor Sung. He went from a just normal pastor who was thrown to the countryside to a crazy man. He is delusional, mentally unstable and downright crazy. Killing people in the name of judgement from god? Yeah, right.

I really really appreciate that this season they did not push the character to the romantic side. As in season 1, they tried to match Sang Mi with Sang Hwan but they really didn't match for me. This season, despite Pastor Sung's interest with Young Sun, it was more one sided. Plus, his interest was just a plain obsession and delusion. Young Sun definitely doesn't have any romantic feeling for him for which I'm glad.

The ending left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. While Min Cheol successfully saves Byung Ryul, his sister and Sung Ho (Byung Ryul's autistic nephew) from the disaster, he however failed to saves the villagers' future life. As they lost the compensation money, all of them avoid one another due to embarrassment and guilt. The scene where one of the elderly died and the chief police contacted and visited all of the villagers to ask them to bid the last farewell was so painful to watch. It was so heartbreaking to watch as no one even bother to go to his funeral. Instead of a happy ending like in the first season, this season is more real and very much close to the reality. 

Just like Young Sun's question at the end of the drama, will they be able to put on their faith and trust on people again? Those who they expect to save and help them had betrayed them in the worst possible way and those who they deemed as troublemaker ended up to be the one who fought for their livelihood. Sadly, that was just what society like. We tend to condemn, criticize, and even went as far as cancel them just for one mistake, one fault. We overlooked their kindness and only see the bad things. How unfortunate.

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !


Monday 23 August 2021

The Negotiation

23 August 6 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest!

Title : The Negotiation
Runtime : 114 minutes
Genre : Thriller, Crime
Country / Language : South Korea / Korean
Released year : 2018
Director : Lee Jong Suk
Writer : Choi Sung Hyun
Cast : Hyun Bin, Son Ye Jin
Plot : 

Ha Chae Yoon is a crisis negotiator for Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. After failing to negotiate with the robber who threaten to kill their hostage and witness the murder right in front of her eyes, she is determined to quit her job. 10 days later, she is called by her superior. Min Tae Gu, a weapon smuggler for international crime organization had called up her name in his scheme of hostage situation. 


The movie starts off strong with tension-filled hostage situation. It was very nerve-wrecking especially when Chae Yoon went inside the house to negotiate with the robbers. I actually had a big expectation for Chae Yoon's character. She is supposed to be one of the best negotiator but I don't really like how nervous she looked while negotiating with the robbers. What is the point of calling her on her day off if she can't even hide her expression? It seriously let me down big time.

The plot however is really good. It filled with tensions and suspense during the hostage situation with Min Tae Gu. I love how he slowly demanded the high-profiled people to be present and the mystery of why he did what he did. When Chae Yoon is trying to negotiate with him but then was chased out because of the secrets that the higher up is trying to cover. Sure, it was annoying to have those people but it helps the tension even more.

I think this is the first character that the actor Hyun Bin had to be the villain and he is wonderful! I love how he play the calm and cool side and suddenly lost all his coolness and start shouting like a mad. 

I had a guess why Min Tae Gu planned the kidnapping and all but I wasn't sure. All I know is it is related to the hostage situation on the earlier scene. I thought it was to get revenge for the people that he lost, whoever that people are. Well, it is but it went deeper than that. And  I really do not expect that twist! Both location and the end. I really really felt sorry for Min Tae Gu.

Overall, I enjoyed the tension in this movie and I loves Hyun Bin as a bad guy. Maybe producers, directors and writers should give him more character like Min Tae Gu. It was a bit disappointing that Son Ye Jin's character is a bit off at the start. I can understand if her character became wary after the hostage situation but not during that incident, she supposed to be the best negotiator. Other than that, I have no more complaints. 

For more movie reviews, please visit 'Movie Reviews' on the menu tab !


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Second Doses Done!

17 August 16 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! I meant to write this like, three or four days after the injection day which was on 31st July. However, between the side effects, family problems, my own dramas (laziness) I never came around to write it. And now, three weeks more or less passed. Anyway, this is my experience of second doses vaccination injection. 

I know I promised to take photos of the venue in the first dose entry, (CLICK HERE TO READ) well, there are few photos of it. But not every stages as I was distracted and excited to reunite with some old friends in high school. Well, I only manage to snap 2 photos and even that is not at the best angle. I'm not sure why I would feel really conscious whenever I hold up my phone to take some photo. It feels like someone will come to me scold me. Lol. Anyway, as promised, here is the only shoots I took.

if you can see behind the net, there's another area and that was where I filled out my infos and also met the doctor during the first shot

Anyway, for the second dose, the process is way easier as we only need to give the vaccination card at the entry. Then, wait for them to call. Once your name is called, the staff gave a number card. Before going to the injection waiting area, I was ushered to fill some information (well, not me because I only need to sit while the volunteer fill in my infos for me). 

At the injection area, there was so many people, probably because the traffic before that is so smooth and required so little time, so it was packed with people at the injection area. While everyone else's vaccination card is taken to the nurse, they somehow missed mine. Hence, my turn was pushed back a little. My friends who were later than me managed to finished their 15 minutes wait while me still waiting at the injection area. 

I sat at the front row hence the closeness with the counter lol

Once I got my injection and after all the selfies and little catching up, I went home. I was fine all day (since I got my injection in the morning.) however, my body started to get warm after the isha'. I am coming down with a fever =) Since I have a really low tolerance with any types of pills, I only took one panadol, hoping it is enough to chase the fever away. But no, the fever lasts until two days later even though I regularly take panadol. Added with the fatigue and muscle pain, that's all pretty much is the side effect of the Pfizer vaccine on my body. And all that managed to make me soooo lazy to do anything. Also I think my doses of sleep increased significantly after taking the the second dose shot. Or is it just me?


Monday 9 August 2021

It's Okay, That's Love

09 August 10 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest!

not mine; credited to the rightful owner

Title : It's Okay, That's Love
Episodes : 16 episodes
Genre : Psychology, Romance, Comedy
Director : Kim Gyu Tae
Writer : No Hee Kyung
Network : SBS
Cast : Zo In Sung, Gong Hyo Jin, Lee Kwang Soo, Sung Dong Il, Do Kyung Soo(D.O)
Plot : 

Jang Jae Yeol is a novelist and also a radio DJ. One day, he is asked to appear on a talk show where he will be in debate with a psychologist. Ji Hae Soo is forced to replaced her senior in the talk show. They both stand strong with their point and did not want to back down. After the show, Jang Jae Yeol wanted to know Hae Soo better but she avoid him. Because of renovation in his current apartment, Jang Jae Yeol needed to find a new place. His agent told him to go to the house that he rented. When he knew that Hae Soo is one of the tenants, he immediately agree. Besides Hae Soo, there are another two man who rent the house, Jo Dong Min, a psychiatrist and senior of Hae Soo and Park Soo Kwang, a coffee shop worker who had Tourette Syndrome. 

Hands down, this is one of my favorite K-drama all the time. I first watch it in 2014, when it first aired on SBS.


I think this is the first drama that really drawn me into psychology and my interest in learning them. Despite discussing quite a heavy topics on mental illness, it was executed with so much ease. Each episodes are very very enjoyable and filled with humor.

Ji Hae Soo, even though she herself is a psychologist, she still suffers from panic disorder due to the thought of having sexual relation with another people. And because of her trauma, she couldn't get passed kissing when she is in a relationship. Jae Yeol who knows of her disorder still pursued her with a reason that only Hae Soo can understand him.  

This is one of those drama where the main couple doesn't have complicated relationship. I love how they communicate with one another. With Jae Yeol's understanding and Hae Soo's command, they have a really smooth relationship. Though, it was obvious when Jae Yeol is mad. I seriously loves this couple. They are just so cuteeeee I kenot lahh.

Even though the plot are focusing more on the two main characters, Jang Jae Yeol and Ji Hae Soo the side characters still shines with their own way. One of the reasons why I love this drama so much is because of the chemistry between the actors. Not just between Gong Hyo Jin and Zo In Sung but the whole crew. The facts that some of them are closed friend in real life really helps.

If a story is all flowery, it could get boring. The plot twisted when the perfect man, Jae Yul was actually suffers from schizophrenia. Even though it beforehand (as I have watched it before) I still couldn't help but to shed few drop of tears. His character before and after the diagnosis was so different. We were led to believe that Kang Woo existed when it was all in his head. The guilt he experienced from a young age scarred him for life. Seriously, the last few episode is really hard for me to get by.

Another thing that I enjoyed in this drama is the collection of the OSTs. Oh my, they are all great and well fitted in the drama! What's a drama without a good OSTs, right? Below are some of my favorite track.

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !


Friday 6 August 2021

Curahan Cinta Niagara by Maya Iris

06 August 6 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Here is another long kept review. Aku try jugak nak scheduled kan review-review buku tapi tulah kang aku schedule kat blog, IG menyepi je. Itu yang payah sikit. Kalaulah IG ada schedule option, senang kerja gue. Huhu.

Tajuk : Curahan Cinta Niagara
Penulis : Maya Iris
Mukasurat : 506 pages
Penerbit : Anaasa Publication
Terbitan : Januari 2016 (Terbitan Semula)
ISBN : 9789670870113
Blurb : 

Dia, gadis yang mendapat tempat di hati Fatis. Kehadirannya merubah hidup lelaki ini. Namun, sukarnya dia untuk menghuni hati seorang yang bernama Mira Zahila.

"Aku sayangkan dia, Amir. Tapi dia tolak aku mentah-mentah." - Faris
"Siapa? Mira?" - Amir
"Mungkin dia bukan jodoh kau, Faris." - Dina

Impian Mira hanyalah untuk mendapat segulung ijazah. Demi keluarganya. Satu kejadian telah menyebabkan Mira bersetuju mengahwini Faris. Reda dengan ketentuan-Nya, Mira berusaha menjadi isteri yang sempurna.  Namun, cinta Faris hanya sementara. Perginya dia meninggalkan cinta yang tersemat di hati.

Dek kerana sebuah wasiat, Mira berganti tikar. Abang ipar menjadi suami.

"Kalau Mira nak batalkan permintaan Faris tadi, beri satu alasan kukuh. Kalau alasan Mira masuk akal, kita sama-sama boleh batalkan." - Farhan

Bagi Farhan, wasiat itu sekadar pemudah cerita. Cintanya pada Mira berputik sejak pertemuan pertama di air terjun Niagara. Setelah Faris pergi, dia mula sangsi sejarah hidup Mira. Malah, kekuatan cintanya pada Mira juga tidak mampu menghapuskan gundah di hati. Mira berdiri demi Farhan. Walaupun hatinya didera dan diuji.

Aku dekat. Kau dekat! Mentera cinta yang menjadi penguat cintanya.

Mira ketepikan segala perasaan demi menangkis tuduhan buruk suami dan sekaligus menamatkan ribut di hati suaminya. Ketika bibit-bibit cinta mula subur, sekali lagi cinta Mira diuji dengan kehadiran Azrin. Dalam sekelip mata, Azrin meragut cinta Farhan.

Niagara menyaksikan pertemuan mereka. Di situlah terdetik isyarat cinta pertama Farhan. Apakah cintanya juga tidak akan kering sepertimana curhan air terjun Niagara? Atau adakah ia akan membeku seperti bekunya air terjun Niagara di musim dingin? Curahan Cinta Niagara menyaksikan segalanya.

Novel ni asalnya diterbitkan pada tahun 2007 oleh PTS Millennia Sdn Bhd dan pada tahun 2016 pihak Anaasa Publication terbitkan semula novel ni. Walaupun novel ni merupakan novel terbitan semula, garis masa dan juga suasana yang digambarkan dalam novel ni masih kekal pada tahun 2007. Tak jadi masalah besar pun pada aku. Rasa nostalgia ajelah sikit (walaupun tahun 2007 tu saya umur baru lapan tahun huhu) denagn suasana yang teknologi pun takdelah berkembang mana.

Awal-awal bab lebih banyak berlatar belakang di US, semasa Mira dan Dina menyambung pelajaran dengan biasiswa daripada JPA. Dalam kelas Mira, ada seorang pelajar tajaan sendiri iaitu Faris. Bagi Mira, Faris ni seorang yang perasan bagus. Sampaikan nak tanya pasal homework pun Mira taknak sebab nanti Faris berlagak pandai. Tapi... Faris memang pandai pun. Di air terjun Niagara, Faris lamar Mira sebagai isteri, tapi Mira buat-buat tak dengar. Misinya ke US hanyalah untuk menyambung pelajaran. 

Di Niagara Falls juga, Farhan yang merupakan abang kepada Faris, jatuh hati pada Mira. Namun kerana hormatkan adiknya yang lebih dulu suka dekat Mira, dia berundur diri. Mira dan Faris disatukan kerana satu insiden. Dan kerana insiden itu, Faris bukan lagi seperti dulu. Fikizal dan mentalnya berubah. Atas dasar tanggungjawab, Mira cekalkan hati menjaga Faris. 

Sejujurnya, bab sebelum Faris dan Mira balik Malaysia, aku confuse dengan timeline cerita ni. Lagi-lagi bila in between cerita pasal Mira dekat US tiba-tiba kita balik Malaysia untuk cerita Azrin. Terus confuse, cerita Azrin ni ikut timeline yang sama ke dengan timeline Mira. Ataupun cerita Azrin tu in present time? Entahlah. Masa diorang dekat US jugak ada masa dia flashback few weeks ago pastu aku tak sure bila dia jadi present time. Aku rasa macam susunan babak ni takde pun flashback tapi dia tulis flashback. Entahlah nakk.

Novel ni banyak selitkan ilmu agama. Dalam bab awal-awal, ada perisian tentang perbandingan agama Islam dengan Kristian. Babak dimana Kak Fisa berdebat dengan pelajar Kristian yang datang untuk menyampaikan 'dakwah' dari rumah ke rumah. Paling aku suka, adalah e-mel yang Kak Fisa hantarkan kepada Mira yang bertajuk 'Mengapa Mengeluh'. Setiap persoalan kenapa yang kita tanyakan dalam kehidupan seharian, ada ayat al-Quran yang menjelaskan. Lama rasanya tak baca novel yang selitkan ayat-ayat al-Quran macam ni.

Dalam ketabahan watak si Mira ni, ada jugak gilanya. Ada ke patut dia terjun tingkap masa majlis pertunangan, dengan baju lace-nya. Paling gila, masa dia cemburu nampak Farhan ber'mesra' dengan secretary dia. Gila dia kalau tak bahayakan nyawa takpa juga. Haih. Watak Farhan pulak, mulanya nampak lebih gentleman berbanding Faris. Lebih menjaga agama, lebih tegas, segalanya lebihlah. Tapi, saat dia baca surat wasiat yang Faris tinggalkan untuk Mira, keras kepala juga rupanya. Betullah kata Mira, buat apa dia nak jelaskan lebih-lebih kalau Farhan sendiri dah buat kesimpulan dia. 

Masa Mira pregnant, tak boleh tahan lah dia punya mengidam. Dari nakkan manisan Arab sampailah koleksi sambal. Terhibur jugaklah baca novel ni. Konflik dalam hubungan Farhan-Mira cuma disebabkan salah faham. Soal ibu mentua Mira tak suka dekat dia tu boleh tolak tepi kot. Sebabnya lepas dia kahwin dengan Farhan, mentua dia pindah US untuk kembangkan business.

Overall, aku enjoy baca novel ni. Cuma aku harapkan lebih banyak gambaran suasana di US, lagi-lagi di Niagara. Terasa pendek sangat yang diceritakan penulis.


Gifts From NZ Souvenirs Giveaway by SitiYangMenaip Arrived ~

06 August 5 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Alhamdulillah, as per titled the gifts from Sis Siti have safely arrived right into my hands on Wednesday. Yeayyyy. It's been so long since I last received a parcel that I did not pay for. Hehe.

I honestly have forgotten about winning this giveaway so I was quite baffled when abang posmen said my name when he passed the parcel. The T-shirt luckily is my size! The fridge magnet have safely attached on the fridge and as for the snacks, I am eating them as I typed this. Hehe. 


Thursday 5 August 2021

Thoughtless Thursday #036

05 August 1 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Alhamdulillah, I'm now in my second week of semester three. As I'm only took two subjects, I probably won't be too busy so I will try to get on blog as often as I can. 

image source : Pinterest.com

For so long we have been locked inside, did you guys picked up any new hobby? Or maybe the old hobby? For me, it was reading. Well, do you guys read? If you do, what did you read? Just random book? News? Economic? Fictions? Whatever genre you read, I believe it is all knowledge. Even those novel cinta sampah

I have been an avid reader since in high school. During those times, my materials are only limited to whatever novels, books that my older sister purchased and of course, school books. I still remember those literature, anthologies, novels back in high school. Some of that I still remember was 'Leftenan Adnan' by Abdul Latip Talib. This book make me cry really hard. Also 'How I Met Your Mother' by David A. Hill. I am not sure why that book left such a big impression on me. 

After highschool, my material for reading only limited to whatever books I found on the Wattpad apps. And that is pretty much it. No more physical books and I don't even intend to look or buy any other books. Until one day, I joined a giveaway and the gifts happened to be  books from Teme Abdullah (I'm not sure if I have posted about winning the giveaway). From that moment, I rekindled my love for physical books.  I just couldn't have enough of them. 

The downside of being a lover for physical books are money and space. I believe, my hobby is so expensive. I hate how much one book can cost (especially the books from outside of MY). Especially now that we can get pretty much everything, online, did not help my bank account. Honestly, before the pandemic start, I am not much of an online shopper. I don't even have shopee app in my phone at that time. But guess what the first thing I bought online? You got it, books. It was March 2020 (I believe) when Teme Abdullah opened pre-order for his new books and I without hesitation purchase it. And there it goes, my online shopping card. Don't even get me started on space. I really don't have much space in my room to store the books that I have.

Oh, few days ago, I saw one tweet that said something along the line, 

why would one waste money to buy books that they didn't read? 

In my personal opinion (highlighted on the personal, in case someone did not understand the opinion part), it is not a waste of money. Why would be a waste of money? Just because their TBR is longer than other, doesn't mean they won't pick up the books the bought. Be it sooner or later. Oh, if they ended up not reading it? It can simply be given away or sold to others. 

What about you? What did you do during this lockdown? 

with me,


Monday 2 August 2021


02 August 5 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest!

not mine; credited to the rightful owner

Title : Search
Episodes : 10 episodes
Genre : Military, Thriller, Mystery
Director : Lim Dae Woong
Writer : Go Moo, Go Myung Joo
Network : OCN
Cast : Jang Dong Yoon, Krytal, Yoon Park, Lee Hyun Wook
Plot : 

Few weeks before his discharged, Yoon Dong Jin who is a dog handler in the military search team was send to search for missing soldier in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). Aside from his teammate, the KCST also sent Son Ye Rim to them as there are evidenced that the area might be contaminated. Yoon Dong Jin and Son Ye Rim was once a lover but drifted apart due to work. During this mission, they discovered the missing soldier was dead and infected by unknown virus that bring him back to live and attack the living. The Commanding Officer Lee Dae Shik and Congressman Lee Hyuk who used to be in the military and was considered as hero of the nation due to the Sector 21 Incident formed a team to track down the man that spread the virus. The team consist of Yoon Dong Jin, Son Ye Rim, Lee Joon Sung, Jo Man Chul, Park Ki Hyung and Captain Song Min Gyu. With the given one week time, the mission is carried forward, and more secrets are uncovered.


The first episode confused the hell out of me. At first, there was a mass shooting at the DMZ where a North Korean woman with a baby wanted to defect to South but was caught by the North Korean soldiers. The situation was bad. Suddenly, there were two soldiers wondering in the woods and was attacked by mysterious creature. I don't know how to make sense of this episode as it was two different accident and completely unrelated. As the story progress, it became clearer how the two of the incidents are related and what actually happened in the Sector 21.

As there are only ten episodes, I can says that it was perfectly fit with the story line. It wasn't too rushing nor too dragging. The first few episodes hold so much suspense due to the mystery creature and its agility. Their mission is to kill the target, but it wasn't easy to kill it because of the mutation cell inside the body of the target. Every time they went hunting the target, it was so nerve-wrecking! 

In between all those tensions, there also some scenes that balances out the tension. The scenes that involve the people of the village were always light and a little humorous. I especially loved the scene where Kim Da Jung, a retired elite soldier and also the tour guide of the local museum beat out the gangster who make scene at her work place. It was a bit cliche but who says all cliche is bad? Not me. And not to mention all those somewhat flirty but not really flirty scenes between Dong Jin and Ye Rim. Their chemistry is really great! Also the testosterone-filled scenes between Captain Song and his assistant, Lee Joon Sung. They always have opposite opinion and neither is willing to back down (but of course what the Captain said goes). 

I wasn't expecting the plot twist  where there is a 'host' that carried the dangerous virus and spread it around. And I didn't expect what is the host is. It was really shocking and very much heart-wrenching. What I can is... The hero of DMZ is a total faux. Lee Hyuk, is a very despicable and disgusting human being. What he did then and now was so selfish. So many people were in despair because of his selfishness. I feels like killing his character thousand times and that won't even make it up for the people's despair (glad that he is only a character).

While I am glad that everything is working out to their advantage, I can't said that I am not sad. For loss. It was a bitter pill to swallow. To loss not only one but three comrades in a span of one week. And that the death of two of them on the last mission by their own choice hurt so much. I could feel the emptiness during the scene where they gathered at Dong Jin's mom's restaurant after the catastrophe. The promise that they fulfilled but wasn't complete. 

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !
