Tuesday 27 July 2021

Prison Playbook

July 27, 2021 12 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest!

not mine; credited to the rightful owner

Title : Prison Playbook / Wise Prison Life
Episodes : 16 episodes
Genre : Drama, Comedy, Sport, Romance
Director : Shin Won Ho
Writer : Jung Boo Hoon
Network : tvN
Cast : Park Hae Soo, Jung Kyung Ho
Plot : 

Kim Je Hyuk is one of the top pitcher in Korea. He is in talk to sign with the major league. One night, his mother asked him to check on his sister. When he entered her apartment building, he heard his sister's scream with a man running out of her door. Je Hyuk then chased the man and had a physical struggle with him. Je Hyuk then strike the man with trophy, causing the man to fall into coma. Even though it is a self-defense (as he is defending his sister and chasing after her rapist) Je Hyuk is sentenced for one year in prison for excessive force. Feeling devastated, he have to adjust and adapt his new life in the prison. Luckily, his old good friend, Joon Ho is a correctional officer at the prison. With Joon Ho's help, Je Hyuk began his life in the prison.


This drama is one of the favorite of many k-drama addicts. I have added this drama in my list long ago but I kind of forgot it exist. Anyway, I understand why so many people loves this drama. It was amazing! I freaking loves it so much!

Being one of the top athletes, I expect Je Hyuk to be super cocky, and full of himself and smart. But, he is not. I loves how they make his character. Even thought he is simple-minded, a bit foolish and definitely not so smart, he still knew how to be sly and quickly adapt to living in prison. Hell, he even managed to trap one of the gangster who wanted to hurt him.

Each episodes were filled with laughter.  It were all simple and silly things but they really makes it funny. I had so much fun laughing and enjoying each episode. Even though one episode lasts for about one and half an hour, it doesn't actually feels that long, thanks to all the humor! And I especially loves how they used bgm and sound effects. I remember one of the scene where Je Hyuk is waiting for his lover, Ji Ho to come to visit him after he successfully asked her out again. When the guard came and called his name for visitation, he got all shiny and smiley, expecting it to be Ji Ho. Even the music said it is Ji Ho. But then the guard said it was his lawyer the music immediately stopped as his mood went downhill. Oh gosh, that is one of my favorite scene.

And then his cellmates were all kind! I mean, in general prison-drama we only got like one ally in a cell. But in this drama, they were like one troop. I loves how they got each other's back. Like, when Captain Yoo first came to the cell they were all like, "oh, no, he is bad news. Protect everyone" but when he saves Officer Song's life, they were all thanks and became best buds! And when Crony first came to the cell? It was hilarious. They get all defensive with his existence and protect Je Hyuk even in the middle of night. Even the druggie, Looney. I also loves how they told the story of each cellmates and their past leading them to the prison. It was really good to see how some of the people got in because of things they are not responsible of and how some people really deserved his sentence.

The brotherhood between Je Hyuk and Joon Ho was quite admirable. They haven't seen one another in a long time but I loves how Joon Ho was voluntarily asked for transfer as Je Hyuk being transfer to another facility. And the way he insisted on helping Je Hyuk to play baseball again was crazy. He don't even have any ulterior motives.

Things that make me kind of disappointed with the ending was one, how Looney who struggled to stay off drugs for months in the prison got out and take the drug literally five minutes after stepping out of the prison. And I do think it kind of a trap or conspiracy as the police was ready right there and immediately arrested him right after he injected the drug. But, the dealer wasn't taken in. Definitely a conspiracy. Another thing is I really hope to see the released cellmates to like meet again, maybe at the stadium where Je Hyuk make comeback. I mean they really protect and encourage him for that moment and yeah, it is disappointing to not see their reaction at his comeback.

For overall, I highly recommended this drama as I really really enjoyed watching it. It definitely going to my all time favorite list.

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !


Sunday 25 July 2021

Cinta Han Dan Nad by Jaja Ahmad

July 25, 2021 8 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Another novel review. Hehe, aku tengah usaha nak scheduled kan semua novel review yang aku dh tulis tapi tulah, nak buat benda simple pun aku malas.

Tajuk : Cinta Han Dan Nad
Penulis : Jaja Ahmad
Mukasurat : 675 pages
Penerbit : Anaasa Publication
Terbitan : September 2016
ISBN : 9789670870250
Blurb : 

Cinta pandang pertama. Ramai yang percayakan cinta pandang pertama tetapi tidak ramai yang mampu memilikinya.

Nadia Aliff, seorang gadis yang kuat dan cekal tetapi hidup di dalam bayangan cinta pandang pertama yang tidak pernah kunjung tiba.

Farhan Shah Umar. Saat terpandangkan wajah gadis yang kalut itu, jantungnya mula berdetak laju. Pertemuan demi pertemuan tetapi tidak juga mencambahkan sebarang ikatan.

Dua tahun berlalu, masing-masing masih mencari dalam bisu. Pertemuan yang tidak disengajakan berlaku lagi dan kali ini Farhan melangkah laju, mencari titik mula perhubungannya dengan Nadia.

"Balik lambat ni suami tak marah ke?" - Farhan
"Belum kahwin." - Nadia
"Tunang tak jemput?" - Farhan
"Tak ada tunang." - Nadia
"Boyfriend tak temankan ke?" Farhan
"Doktor nak tahu saya dah berpunya atau belum sebenarnya kan?" - Nadia

Penantian yang lama walau dengan perkenalan yang singkat menyatukan mereka untuk menghalalkan segalanya.

"Jadi, jawapan untuk lamaran saya tu?" - Farhan
"The answer is yes." -  Nadia

Semuanya nampak indah di mata tetapi tiada yang tahu Nadia sedang berperang dengan perasaan duka.

"He's the one whom I don't want to talk about... But now he just keep coming into my life just like a nightmare." - Nadia
"He is a beast I bet." - Farhan
"He is more than that." - Nadia

Kemunculan Harlina yang tiba-tiba pula telah merubah Farhan daripada seorang lelaki yang budiman menjadi singa.

"Enough Harlina! Stop calling her sundal!" - Farhan
"No, I takkan berhenti panggil dia sundal sebab dia memang perempuan sundal. Perempuan tak tahu malu. No! Dia bukan perempuan, dia betina. Betina tak sedar diri. Betina tak sedar diuntung. Betina tak ada maruah..." - Harlina

Dalam cintanya ada badai yang melanda. Ada ribut yang menerpa. Namun teguhkah Farhan di kala Nadia dicemuh dan dihina? Dan kuatkah Nadia bila cinta dan kepercayaannya diuji?

Farhan berdiri sebagai suami... dan Nadia juga terus berdampingan sebagai isteri. Cinta Han dan Nad merungkai segalanya.

Prolog novel ni berjaya menambat hati aku. Aku rasa comel je cari penulis describe Nad(ia) dengan (Far)Han punya pov masa terserempak dalam hospital. Tiga kali bertentang mata, berpapasan tapi tak de siapa pun yang mulakan perkenalan. Dan... Akhirnya sebelum Aisya (adik Nadditolak masuk ke OR barulah masing-masing tahu nama si dia. Itupun, setakat itu saja. Nad sebagai penjaga kepada Aisya dan Han sebagai doktor kepada Aisya.

Dua tahun berlalu, dua tahun tak bersua muka, dua tahun mereka memendam rindu. Okay, bab ni aku a bit skeptic. Is it possible for you to miss someone who you met for like under one hour of your life, and exchange words for the purpose of formality? Bagi aku sangatlah tidak. Unless we shared a deep, heart-ful conversation, aku tak rasa aku akan jatuh rindu pada orang tu sampai nak menangis. Entahlah, bagi aku it's a little bit too much. So, aku faham kenapa watak Kirah (bff Nad) gelakkan Nad masa Nad bagitahu dia rindukan Han. Paling tak boleh tahan, Nad tahu kot kat mana Han kerja haih geram pulak baca part awal ni.

Ditakdirkan, they met again. Dekat foodcourt. Masa tu Han with Seri, a woman that supposed to be his wife tapi dah ada pilihan sendiri and Nad pulak dengan Aisya. Aku suka baca development hubungan Han dengan Nad masa ni. Han yang masa mula-mula jumpa Nad semula merupakan seorang yang dingin, senyum pun susah tapi lepas makin rapat dengan Nad, makin kuat pulak menyakat. Lagi-lagi masa diorang dah kahwin. Memang new side of him.

Nad pula, mulanya yakin nak kahwin dengan Han. Tarikh dah ditetapkan, kad dah dihantar tapi nak lagi dua minggu macam tu tiba-tiba cold feet, rasa macam they're rushing to jump into the relationship. Maklumla, masing-masing baru kenal beberapa bulan, tup-tup nak kahwin. Biasalah perempuan kan overthinking ni macam best friend.

Konflik dalam hubungan Han dengan Nad agak lari dengan blurb. Sebabnya watak Harlina memanglah gila nakkan Han walaupun dia tahu Han tu dah kahwin tapi dia tak segila Lisa(adik ipar Han, biras Nad, isteri Amri) yang buat macam-macam untuk pisahkan Han dan Nad. But, aku suka bila watak Han ni matang dan tak cepat melatah bila macam-macam tuduhan yang dilemparkan. Boleh dibawa berbincang and fikir rasional. Sesuailah dengan watak Nad yang bagi aku a bit cengeng and emosi. Like, dia kata dia dah maafkan Faris (kenalan lama) tapi sebenarnya dia seolah berdendam. Sampaikan dengar nama Faris pun tak nak. Konflik lain is hubungan persahabatan Nad dengan Kirah terjejas bila Kirah kata dia nak kahwin dengan Faris.

Novel ni baru aku a  light reading and full with messages. Aku sukakan keakraban hubungan keluarga Han, supporting each other and paling penting, walaupun mommy Han ni banyak kali jugak nak masuk campur urusan anak-anak, abah dia mesti akan halang. Mesti dia tegur mommy Han and bagi peluang untuk anak-anak buat keputusan sendiri. And that is kind of new. Selalunya jumpa ibu-ibu yang asyik nak menentukan hidup anak lepastu bapaknya diam ajee. Mesej yang aku rasa paling menyerlah is forgiving others. Memang bukan senang nak maafkan orang lain, lagi-lagi kalau kesalahan orang tu bagi impak yang besar dalam hidup kita. Tapi, dengan memaafkan, we will more at ease, Insya-Allah.

Oh,  babak romantik tu jangan cakaplah, melambak gulanya. Ada part yang, okaylah aku baca. Tapi ada juga part yang, 'oh no, nope, too sweet, mission abort'(sorry I'm not really into sugar overloaded). 

I personally reeeeally love the ending. With Harlina gone, and Lisa yang dah sedar salah dia and the most satisfying is that Amri ceraikan dia. Siapa ajelah yang mampu nak teruskan hubungan dengan pasangan bila dapat tahu yang dia rupanya cintakan orang lain. Dahtu curang pulak. Memang taklah. And his reasoning pun sangat convincing. He need to heal and bring himself closer to Allah again. After Lisa punya betrayal, aku rasa aku akan mengamuk kot kalau dia masih taknak ceraikan Lisa. 

Aku actually baca novel ni waktu final week (ya, kononnya untuk release tension study walhal aku takdelah study mana Allahu and now result nak keluar dah sehari dua lagi lepastu nak start short sem dah hah baru reti nak post review) so pace pembacaan aku agak slow. Dengan project yang nak submit, dengan studynya dengan nervousnya seminggu jugaklah baru habis baca. Penulis gunakan pov 3 dalam penulisan so senang nak faham semua karakter. 

Pertama kali baca karya daripada penulis Jaja Ahmad. Insya-Allah in future aku akan baca lagi karya beliau. Well done penulis!


Thursday 22 July 2021

Thoughtless Thursday #035

July 22, 2021 4 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest. How are you guys holding up? I'm getting tired day by day. I'm starting short semester next week and I'm dreading for it. And the result for last semester will be released tomorrow? After tomorrow? I'm not sure. Haven't really checked it in the portal. I was hoping to get a day out (like having girls day out with my girlfriend or something) before this lockdown but when it happened, I really haven't got time to breath. It's suffocating to stay home all day. 

look at those numbers 😭

It's tiring isn't it? However, I'm still thankful for my situation is better than the others. Whenever I get on Twitter, there are so many people out there that had it worse. At least for me, I still got a roof on my head and foods on my table. Some people don't even have those basic needs. 

If you're struggling, please ask for help. It might be hard but we all have to survive. And for that, we are all survivor. Be strong. Be positive. Even if the walls are closing in. 

with me,


Wednesday 21 July 2021

Liar Game

July 21, 2021 4 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! How is your day? I find it hard nowadays, to stay at home. It felt too suffocating. I tried to picked up my old hobby but it's not going easy. Anyway, I finished watching this drama last week but forgot to published the entry. Hehe.

not mine; credited to the rightful owner

Title : Liar Game
Episodes : 12 episodes
Genre : Mystery, Thriller
Director : Kim Hong Soon
Writer :  Shinobu Kaitani (manga)Ryoo Yong-Jae
Network : tvN
Cast : Lee Sang Woo, Shin Sung Rok, Kim So Eun
Plot : 

Kang Do Hyun, an ex financial analyst become a host for a TV show called Liar Game. The idea for the show came from him. The reward of 10 million won will be given to the final winner. Various contestants entered the game. Nam Da Jung, a kind and naive college student suddenly became one of the contestant. As she was struggling to pay her father's debt, Nam Da Jung decided to join the show. For the first round, the contestants will be paired and given a bag of money each. They need to take the money bag from the other person with whatever methods except for violence. When Da Jung realized that she had been fooled by her partner, she seeks help from Ha Woo Jin, an ex psychology professor  at Seoul University who went to prison for financial fraud. 

This drama is a remake of a Japanese drama aired in 2007 based on a manga series by Shinobu Kaitani with the same title published in 2005.


It starts off quite interesting with the introduction to the Liar Game. The way they choose people to participate on the game was unique. They randomly leave a large sum of money to people and then let them decide either to return it to the police or not. If they did, then they will be chosen.

At first, Da Jung's character does not bother me much. She is kind and always trust other people. She even let her loan shark collector, Dal Goo inside her house and fed him. Well, Dal Goo's character himself is quite funny. He felt sorry to Da Jung, that's why doesn't really collect money from her. Only when his boss nag at him then he will went to Da Jung and nag to her.

For the games played, I could only understand few of them. Games that involved probability is not going well for me. It was too hard to think (and maybe I just too lazy to understand the rules). I loves the tension going on in the game. It was really nerver-wrecking. Plus, we don't know either Da Jung's and Woo Jin's plan would work or not.  Or there will the the interruption from Kang Do Young. Or the production team.

As the episodes progressed, it became more evident that there is more to the game. Especially with Kang Do Young's suspicious behavior. He seems really obsessed with people betraying one another. And, the way he obsessed over Da Jung and Woo Jin is weird. And honestly, I did not expect the twist on their fate. Like, what the actual heck?!

Since I did not watch the Japanese version of this drama, so I could not compared them. But, I personally like this drama (Korean version).  But I do think that they need to finish it properly. The Japanese version obviously had more than one season (I think there were like three or four?). There were too much question raised upon the ending. I reeeeeally hope for another season or maybe I should just watch the Japanese version (still thinking of this but Idk) ðŸ˜‘

For more k-drama reviews, please visit 'K-drama review' on the menu tab !


Tuesday 20 July 2021

Sunday 18 July 2021

Kepada Dia Dengan Cinta by Marissa

July 18, 2021 4 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Saya kembali dengan review novel lagi! Sekarang ni mood nak blogwalk semua takde. Nak type entry pun malas walhal drafted banyak dah aigooo. Anyway, enjoy!

Tajuk : Kepada Dia Dengan Cinta
Penulis : Marissa
Mukasurat : 461 pages
Penerbit : Karyaseni
Terbitan : April 2019
ISBN : 9789674691233
Blurb : 

-Kak long kawasan di rumah mak dan abahnya sahaja
-Staf di bahagian sumber manusia sebuah kilang minyak masak
-Tegas dan garang ketika bekerja sehinggakan mamat Bangladesh tidak berani mahu memanggilnya adik manis
-Meminati seorang lelaki bernama Encik Naufal

-Bukan anak emak
-Ketua di bahagian pengurusan kilang minyak masak
-Tidak suka menggatal dengan perempuan
-Tidak suka coklat sejak kecil kerana emaknya berkata coklat diperbuat daripada tahi kambing

Tiga tahun Darlina usyar Encik Naufal dari jauh. Meminati dalam diam ini susah rupa-rupanya. Angau tak bertempat. Nak-nak lagi bila orang yang diminati tiba-tiba menileh ketika 'projek mengusyar' sedang dijalankan, habis tak tentu arah Darlina dibuatnya. Malulah perasan seorang diri.

"Hmmm... Susahnya kalau dalam hati ada taman ni. Rasa tak serupa orang." - DARLINA

Intai punya intai anak teruna orang, tak sedar diri sendiri turut diintai dari jauh. Bagai bulan jatuh ke riba Darlina dibuatnya.

"Kita pernah bersekolah di sekolah yang sama." - NAUFAL

"Hah?" - DARLINA

"Ya, saya di tingkatan 5, Cik Darlina pula tingkatan 2." - NAUFAL

Rasa macam nak lompat bintang tatkala pujaan hati mula menyapa. Gembira tak dapat dihitung tetapi.. Sekelip mata badai bertandang tanpa salam.

"Mohamad Izwan Syukri?" - NAUFAL

Nama pasangan Darlina tertera di atas kad jemputan kahwin. Merah mata Encik Naufal ketika membaca setiap patah kata yang tertera. Sebak ditahan sambil bibir menutur...

"Tahniah. Selamat pengantin baru."
Lepas baca novel 'Melirih Kasih', aku teragak-agak sebenarnya nak baca karya Marissa. Tapi, sebabkan aku dah beli novel ni, dan ia antara yang ternipis, so aku pun baca jelah. Mana tahu yang ni menarik minat aku.

Novel ni bertemakan kekeluargaan, konfliknya tak berat and sangat sesuai la untuk bacaan santai. Masa aku baca novel ni memang minggu stress, nak tengok drama korea, memang tidaklah dengan seharian mengadap laptop untuk online class, assignments lagi. So, option aku tinggal baca novel dan game. Aku pilih baca novel.

Watak Darlina memang tegas, siot je pergi marah pekerja bangla yang bergaduh sebab berebut perempuan. Garang betul, siap ugut nak hantar balik negara asal engkau! Bab mengusyar Encik Naufal, jangan cakaplah, memang tiap pagi misi berjalan. Seronoknya crush kerja tempat sama. Alahai! Rupanya, Encik Naufal pun ada hati jugak dengan si Darlina ni. Dia yang mulanya tak layan langsung perempuan yang dok usyar dia melainkan hal kerja, boleh pulak bagi sebakul coklat (alah, yang dah gubah cantik-cantik tu, aku tak reti nak explain huhu) dekat Darlina waktu birthday dia(Naufal). Cantik punya cover.

Tapi, untuk Darlina dengan Naufal bersatu, ada satu penghalang besar. Rupanya, parents Darlina nak jodohkan dia dengan anak kawan baik mereka. Helo, zaman kahwin atas aturan keluarga dah berakhir okay! Kahwin paksa, lagi klise! Aku tak kisah la kalau parents dia kata, kenal-kenal la dulu ke apa ke. Ini tidak, jawapan apa pun Darlina ni tak kasi lagi tiba-tiba dah siap kad undangan kahwin. Gila engkau, laju betul buat kerja. Ni, aku tak tahu lah paksaan tahap apa dah. Tak adil. Diam tanda setuju should be banned. Macam mana kalau Darlina ni sejenis aku? Kalau aku diam tandanya aku tengah bengang, menahan sabar tau, kalau aku bukak mulut adalah hati yang terluka (taklah selalu macam ni tapi kalau mengena tu ha padan muka).

Masa Encik Naufal dapat kad undangan perkahwinan Darlina tu, dia kemain sedih. Lagi-lagi bila baca nama pengantin lelaki. Tapi, tak lama lepas tu dia kemain happy. Nak kahwin juga katanya. Masa ni aku boleh agak dah apa yang jadi. Dan aku betul. Huhu, tengok tangan laa.

Satu yang aku tak berapa berkenan, masa Darlina dah kahwin dengan Naufal, konflik dengan abang ipar dia Izwan. Darlina syak tunang abang ipar dia tu pregnant anak orang lain, sebab tarikh perkahwinan dorang dicepatkan. Walaupun Darlina ada instinct yang perempuan tu pregnant, tak patut kot Darlina act on it. Yelah, buatnya intuition dia tu salah, tak ke dah jatuh hukum qazaf (betulkan kalau aku salah)? Rasanya babak tu penulis boleh improve la kata ternampak dekat klinik ibu mengandung ke (lagipun Darlina sendiri pregnant masa tu),  lebih elok rasanya sebab perbuatan perempuan tu mendatangkan syak. 

Macam aku cakap, novel ni takde konflik berat pun, so pace pembacaan aku pun taklah laju mana. Lagi-lagi jalan cerita dia agak predictable untuk aku. But still, aku enjoy juga la baca.


Wednesday 14 July 2021

First Dose Done (dan saya terhilangkan gelang emas mak)!

July 14, 2021 18 Comments
bila kau rajin tak bertempat maka jadilah poster picagari senget

Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Last Tuesday, I received a message saying that I need to check my appointment details for the first dose of vaccination on MySejahtera. And when I checked, it was scheduled on 10th July 2021, Saturday at 9.30 am. Luckily, the PPV wasn't that far from my home, probably just 15-20 minutes by car. 

So, on that fateful day, my sister sent me to the center (she received her dose a day before, with her husband). I feel like I have prepared everything perfectly but then I forgot the most important thing, my mask. I literally remember the mask when we have passed the gate of the center. To my relief, my sister had a whole box of masks inside of her car. 

courtesy of pinterest

Anyway, when I arrived, I immediately took out my temporary document of my identification card (back in April, I went to change my IC and was told to come back after one month. But PKP happened, so I haven't take my IC yet huhu). I passed the document to the guard lady and went to scan my entrance. She came back with the document and asked if I have my license. I said yes and give her my driving license and took the document back. Apparently, the document is too big.

While looking for a seat to wait for my name to be called, I can recognized some familiar eyes (well, we cannot actually see their faces). Those familiar people were my senior and some were my junior in high school. And then, I see her! My friend back in high school. We are not particularly close but it was good to have someone to chat with huhu. My name was called 10 minutes before 9.30, and that is good! The MC gave my license back with a '35' number card to be  attached on my tudung. She told me to went inside of the hall (it was community hall btw) and follow the direction showed by the standing at the door volunteer.

since I don't take any photo of the venue (due to nerve maybe) so I draw this little map huhu

Second stage, form information. I just need to wait for my turn (according to the number). As there were three counter, it was a short wait. And when I got to the counter, all I need to do was to pass my license and wait. The complete form then was given to me and I need to move to the next stage - the information and consent stage.

After another waiting game, I sat in front of the doctor and gave him my form. A series of questions were asked; (1) do I have any sickness (2) do I have any allergy (3) do I have plan for marriage (4) am i pregnant of any plan for to get pregnant. After that, I was consult regarding the vaccine that I will receive which was Pfizer. After all the jazz, he asked for my signature and then voila, I am free to go for the next stage; the vaccination stage.

I actually don't have to wait long at this stage, and once I am inside the cubicle, the nurse asked me what vaccine will I receive, for what dose, and then she asked me to prepare for my sacrifice (my arm I mean). And, less than one minute, I am vaccinated! Here comes the last stage - the 15 minutes wait stage. After passing my form and the number card back at the counter for this stage, I took a seat near my friend and wait the time to run. Aside from slight headache, I was all good. And after 15 minutes ended, we (me and my friend) took picture outside of the hall. So, that was pretty much how the day of my vaccination. Oh, it only took one hour for the whole process. I wouldn't say that it is too long for less than a minute injection because the whole process is smooth and everyone is guided very well.

The downside is I feel lethargic for a few days. But that was normal for me. Even one pill of paracetamol can knock me out for a good few hours (that's why I tend to not eat any ubat). Oh, the area where they inject me was a bit swollen because my niece accidentally smack me =D

Other than that, I am  as good as new. For the second dose, I will received it on 31st July, two weeks from today more or less. And I will try to take pictures of the place, so that I don't have to draw the map  (but it was fun) huhu.

The story of 'gelang emas mak hilang lepas vaccination'!

So, since my appointment for first dose is in the morning, I am free for the evening. Like usual, I would spent my evening (5 to 6.30) with my family at the veranda. When I went out, my mom who was sitting on the buaian suddenly called me and asked,

"Mana gelang kau?"

Oh, it was her bracelet until it did not fit her wrist so gave it to me. With confidence I pulled the sleeve of my shirt up to reveal my arm (gelang tu besar kat aku so selalunya akan sampai ke lengan) to show the gelang. BUT IT WAS NOT THERE AND I DID NOT REALIZED IT! Cuak jugakla masa tu, I keep thinking that I accidentally lost it at the PPV but then I realized that the bracelet wasn't there when I showered that morning. Which means, I lost it around or inside the house. 

For days, I keep tracing back where I go to find that gelang. My mom dah siap kira harga how much bought it for and how much it values today. I seriously think I'm screwed. So, this morning, while I cooked, my momm who was sidai baju at the time suddenly said,

"Tahu tak mak jumpa apa?"

And I absentmindedly asked what and then she said that she found the bracelet. Terjerit gue disitu, nasiblah ayam dah selamat digoreng. Well, the bracelet was found on my mother's bed. Maybe it fall off while I took a rest after I use the sewing machine in my mom's room. Mystery solved =D


Tuesday 13 July 2021

Save Me

July 13, 2021 14 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! I think I skip a review last week, did I not? Well, I have been feeling too lazy to turn on laptop, that's why hehehe

Title : Save Me
Episodes : 16 episodes
Genre : Thriller, Mystery
Director : Kim Sung Su
Writer : Jo Geum San, Jung Shin Gyu, Jung Yi Do
Network : OCN
Cast : Seo Ye Ji, Ok Taecyeon, Woo Do Hwan, Cho Seong Ha, David Lee, Ha Ho Jung
Related : Save Me 2
Plot : 

Im Sang Mi witness her twin brother, Im Sang Jin commit suicide in front of her after  being bullied even at the new school. Due to that, her mother lost her sanity and believe that Sang Jin is still alive. Feeling hopeless, her father then realized that everything that happen because it was meant to happen. He then bring his family to Guseonwon, a religious place that he believed could bring happiness to his family again. Sang Mi however did not happy at the place and she knew that the spiritual father and the two apostles were up to no good. Sang Mi tried to escape but still caught by them. One day, the van that caught her was involved in a minor accident with two motorcycles. The one who rode the motorcycles were her classmate back in school. The same classmate who she asked for help when she knew that her brother is being bullied. She once again asked for  his help. Han Sang Hwan, who used to refused to help Sang Mi determined to help her escape from Guseonwon, to redeem himself for what happened back then on the rooftop.

This drama is based on a webcomic 'Sesang Bakeuro' by Jo Geum San published in 2011


The beginning of this drama was so confusing. It have a reeeally slow build but I guess it is necessary to put in the foundation of where it will go wrong. At this point, the religious body seems quite genuine to me. It feels like there is nothing wrong with them. The 'Spiritual father' was portrayed as someone who is really nice and cared for each of the believer. However, his appearance really freaked me out. With the white suits, hair, even the eyebrows and that white-paint to give somewhat 'pure' face makes me feels uncomfortable every time he is on the screen.

Once the timeline skip to three years after Sang Jin's death, the pace picked up. The start after the three years were pure agony for Sang Mi. Nobody in Guseonwon could help her. She was trapped and whatever she complained and talk about was all considered as being 'possessed by the evil'. Honestly, her frustration is my frustration. I felt so suffocated whenever her cry was shut again and again. And the only friend she had, Jeong Gu, was killed right in front of her. Another episode of tears. 

Even when she finally meet with Sang Hwan and his crew, getting her out from that 'sacred' place is not easy. Especially when the police, the media, the governor is on their side. Another reason that Sang Mi could not escape and be gone with is her mother. With her unstable mind added with the psychotic drug they gave, it was a fight for Sang Mi.

Every attempt that Sang Hwan, Dong Cheol, Jung Hoon and Man Hee make make my heart races. It was a go big or go home situation (not the best description I came with, sorry). And, the moment they successfully sneaked Dong Cheol inside of Guseonwon, is the moment with nerves. He can easily caught by Apostle Jo and Apostle Kang. Those people are really scary. 

As the plot goes on, the true face of the spiritual father is revealed. It really scary how easily he can convinced other to believe in his religion. And the fact that he said that his word is the word of the Almighty is messed up. Bad. I actually wondered what his real intention is. In the end, it was all his sick mind. And that he only wanted to have a young, pale face woman to be his wife in the name of the Almighty? That is another level of messed up. Sick man. Glad he died in the fire.

The storyline itself is very gripping and quite thrilling. But with the side characters and sub-plot, it actually ease the tension a little bit. I actually believe that there is no main male lead in this drama. Even though Sang Hwan seems like the main lead especially when he confessed to his mother that he likes Sang Mi but so is Dong Cheol. There is an undeniable chemistry between Dong Cheol and Sang Mi. 

The ending is really satisfying. Those who is bad is punished in the name of law and Sang Mi finally can take the a proud step to get out of Guseonwon, with her now sane mother. However, I feels sorry for Sang Mi's father who still put his trust in the Spiritual Father and believed that he will resurrected. Also to all those elder believers. It was just so sad to see them to be used, manipulated in a way. I am not sure how season 2 will play out. Till then, stay tuned!

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Friday 9 July 2021

Aku Ada by Syu Ariani

July 09, 2021 8 Comments
Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Aku nak post entry ni awal minggu haritu tapi asyiklah bertunda edit gambar. Sudahnya hujung minggulah kita post huhu.

Tajuk : Aku Ada 
Penulis : Syu Ariani
Mukasurat : 519 pages
Penerbit : Karyaseni
Terbitan : April 2018
ISBN : 9789674690786
Blurb : 

Hidup Lyssa yang selama ini aman dengan rutin seorang penuntut di sebuah kolej, tiba-tiba berubah selepas Lyssa jatuh tergelincir di Ledang. Sudahlah didiagnos dengan Retrograde Amnesia, malah boleh mendengar suara-suara halus. Dan kebolehan itu akhirnya membawa Lyssa kepada penemuan satu mayat di dalam hutan.

"Jangan percayakan papa Lyssa, Saf dan Fitri."

Itu yang dititipkan suara halus itu. Lyssa penasaran. Namun, ketenangannya sekali lagi berkocak. Kali ini, Lyssa bisa melihat sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar. Sesuatu... Atau seseorang?

"Kau... Siapa kau sebenarnya? Kau nak apa daripada aku?" -LYSSA

"Aku cuma nak stay dengan kau aje. Aku nak ada kat sisi kau selalu, setiap masa..." - HAFIY

Dalam ketakutan, ada rasa bahagia yang menjalar. Dalam keengganan, ada rasa dilindungi yang menyapa.  Menunaikan permintaan suara-suara itu ditemani Hafiy, Lyssa terpaksa akui dia juga mahukan Hafiy di sisinya. 

Identiti mayat terbongkar. Cukup untuk buatkan dunia Lyssa jadi kelam namun semangat dikutip semula untuk mencari tahu punca kematian tersebut. Di setiap langkah Lyssa untuk mencari kebenaran, ada rahsia yang terbongkar.

Sesungguhnya kematian itu hanyalah titik permulaan untuk permainan kejar-mengejar di antara Lyssa dan dia! Cinta. Keluarga. Sahabat. Semuanya menjadi pertaruhan. Dan juga... Nyawa. Kata dia, ini semua takdir!

"Apa kata kita potong bulatan takdir ini?" - LYSSA

"Kematian aje caranya. Aku takkan mati jadi jawapannya ialah kau!" - DIA

Apa dan siapa Hafiy sebenarnya? Masih utuhkah rasa yang bertamu dalam hati walaupun mereka hanya menyakiti satu sama lain? Dan yang paling penting... Mampukah Lyssa melawan dia?

Untuk pertama kalinya aku baca novel yang bertema paranormal. Selama ni aku tak pernah terfikir pun nak baca novel paranormal, bukanlah skeptik ke apa cuma belum jumpa novel paranormal yang buat aku betul-betul nak baca.

Permulaanya agak mendatar, lebih kepada pengenalan kepada watak Lyssa yang pada masatu student. Watak Safina yang merupakan kawan baik kepada Lyssa, watak Fitri yang minat dengan Lyssa dan... watak Yuskhairi, seorang hm nak kata kawan, Lyssa macam tak berapa selesa dengan dia, nak kata musuh tak juga sebab Yuskhairi ni sentiasa hantar Lyssa balik rumah lepas kelas. Dah macam bodyguard takde upah pun ya jugak. Kehidupan Lyssa berubah lepas dia tergelincir dekat Ledang, dia hilang ingatan juga, dia dikurniakan satu kebolehan untuk dengar suara halus. Suara mereka yang memohon pertolongannya.

Pertama kali Lyssa ikut kata suara halus, dia terjumpa mayat perempuan di dalam hutan. Pesanan yang ditinggalkan perempuan tu cukup membuatkan Lyssa tertanya. Saf, sahabat yang sentiasa bersama dia. Papa, penjaga yang sangat prihatin akan anaknya juga Fitri, seorang lelaki yang dah lama meminatinya, kenapa dia tidak boleh percayakan mereka? Sejak berjumpa dengan Dr. Kareena, seorang psikologis yang juga punya kebolehan sama menyuntik semangat jiwa dalam diri Lyssa. Dia mula beranikan diri. Dia mula membantu suara-suara tu. Kemunculan Hafiy, seseorang atau... roh atau hantu di hadapan Lyssa membuatkan dia kembali gentar. Perminataan Hafiy yang mahu sentiasa ada dengannya juga membuatkan Lyssa buntu.

Kemunculan Hafiy, mengingatkan Lyssa kepada seseorang. Seseorang yang dia sendiri tidak tahu siapa. Bertanya kepada Saf, katanya tak tahu, bertanya pada papa, diam seribu. Lyssa keanehan sendiri. Setelah bertahun barulah Lyssa dapat tahu identiti mayat pertama yang dia jumpa. Dari situ, dia mula menyiasat segalanya.

Novel thriller pertama karya Syu Ariani ni bagi aku banyak kekurangan dari segi jalan cerita. Ada beberapa babak yang aku tertanya kenapa macam tu. Contohnya, Fitri yang tak suka Yuskhairi, belasah dia separuh mati tapi dia tak bunuh terus, bertahun Yuskhairi koma tapi dia yang tinggalkan di rumah usang. Kedua, mak Yuskhairi, dah tahu anaknya hilang kenapa tak repot polis? Sekalipun diberitahu Emran yang Yuskhairi ni dah mati, takkan lah tak nak tahu mana kuburnya. Lepas tu, Saf yang nampak apa yang Fitri buat, kenapa tak buat report masa tu jugak? Kata suka Yuskhairi. Dan tanda tanya paling besar, kenapa ibu kepada Lyssa, senang-senang tinggalkan Lyssa dan papanya sebab kena ugut dengan Emran. Apa yang jadi rahsia sangat sampai sanggup berjauhan dengan anak?

Tapi disebabkan aku tertanya-tanya siapakah si 'dia', aku teruskan bacaan. Bukan senang ya nak teka siapa dia. Gigih baca in between the lines, mana tahu tertinggal hints. And, memang yaa. Aku langsung tak sangka si 'dia' tu, adalah dia. 

Novel ni aku boleh cakap wataknya banyak jugalah. Tapi it's okay sebab semua nama-nama watak sangat distinct so takdelah aku asyik terkeliru aje. Selain daripada tanda tanya yang mengganggu pembacaan aku, semuanya okay. Babak-babak Lyssa pergi bantu suara-suara halus tu pun aku boleh gambarkan macam mana keadaannya (berkat beranikan diri tengok drama horror rom-com korea barangkali).

Ending nya? Sangat memuaskan hati aku. Memang padan muka kepada villain kita. Gila sangat kenapa tah. Takdir? Memang takdir untuk dia derita macam tu. Dan Lyssa, akhirnya dapat juga kebahagiaan dia. Cuba teka, Yuskhairi atau Hafiy? 

p/s: nama Yuskhairi ni susah ya nak sebut berbelit lidah hamba.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Giveaway Aku Dan Dia

July 08, 2021 14 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Nah lagi satu giveaway untuk di-join.

Penyertaan dibuka sehingga hujung bulan Julai ni, jadi jomlah join sebelum terlambat! Kepada penganjur giveaway, kak As, tahniah atas anjuran giveaway yang pertama ni. Untuk #asaliff , selamat menyambut ulang tahun perkahwinan! Su doakan semoga pasangan #asaliff ni dikurniakan kebahagiaan sepanjang alam perkahwinan, dikurniakan zuriat yang soleh, solehah, diberkati Allah dan semoga jodoh antara #asaliff berpanjangan hingga ke syurga. Nak beri kata-kata pedoman macam tak sesuai pulak, kita tak kahwin lagi hehe. 


Giveaway Road To 3M Mamapp

July 08, 2021 9 Comments

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest! Bulan ni ramai pulak kawan blogger yang anjurkan segmen dan giveaway. So, marilah join untuk meriahkan segmen mereka and manatahu ada rezeki terpilih as pemenang. 

Tahniah mama pv nak capai 3M dah! kita nak capai 100K pun terkial lagi ni hehe..


Tuesday 6 July 2021

Pa Habaq Semua?

July 06, 2021 14 Comments
source: pinterest.com

 Assalamualaikum, good day dearest. Apa khabar? Lama dah tak update kisah hidup. Hehe. Aku actually dah habis exam 26 Jun haritu lagi tapi mood untuk blogging semua tak de. Mungkin sebab sepanjang semester dah duk mengadap laptop, so aku jadi malas nak on laptop. Nak tengok k-drama pun layuuu je rasa. This week baru macam ada semangat balik.

Takde apa sangat pun yang aku nak share. Cuma rasa nak menaip tu lebih harini hehe. Btw, PKP ni hmm kedai-kedai laptop tak bukak ke eh? Aku punya laptop ni dah kira nazak jugaklah sebenarnya. Nak pi hantar kedai tapi itulah, kedai bukak ke idok? Kalau tak, parah la mata aku nak hadap screen laptop ni.

k-drama: save me, actor in pic:woo do hwan

Teruk kan? Memang aku niat after semester ni habis, nak pi baiki laptop tapi dah macam ni... Aku pun tak tahu la. Kalau ikutkan hati aku, nak je beli baru tapi entahla, bab laptop ni aku tak retilah nak tengok macam mana. Lagi-lagi kalau terpaksa beli online. Buatnya kena tipu. Nahas ajeee... Anyway, kalau korang ada suggestion untuk aku selesaikan masalah ni bagi la tau ehhh. Untuk kalini, ni jelah yang aku nak share. Oh, aku tengah fikir, petang ni nak makan apa. Hehe.

with me,
